Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
We cannot find any legal arrangements about urbanization and 
urban planning in Ottoman Empire until the time of 
Administrative Reforms in which private ownerships were 
widespread. Due to the increase of construction areas, fires and 
difficulties in preventing them, the arrangements about 
settlement and construction in Istanbul had begun in the 
middle of 19th century. The obligation of planning for the 
cities was put in use with The Reconstruction Law numbered 
2290 Municipality Construction and Highways Law, which 
was accepted in 1930. Then The Reconstruction Law 
numbered 6785 was put in use in 1956 and 3194 in 1985. 
The urbanization in Turkey had begun to increase with the 
expansion of population to 2,2 % per year after World War II. 
(Table-1). And the population reached the highest ratio of 
2,8% per year in 1960. 
Years Population | Annual Increase Rate(%o0) 
1927 13,648,270 T 
1935 16,158,018 21.10 
1940 17,820,950 19.59 
1945 18,790,174 10.59 
1950 20,947,188 21.73 
1955 24,064,763 27.75 
1960 27,754,820 28.53 
1965 31,391,421 24.63 
1970 35,605,176 28.19 
1975 40,347,719 25.01 
1980 44,736,957 20.65 
1985 50,664,458 24.88 
1990 56,473,035 21.71 
2000 67,803,927 18.28 
Table 1. Population rates in Turkey for years of census 
(DIE, 2004) 
In Europe, urbanization is caused by industrialization, but in 
Turkey, such an urbanization, which is caused by, factors that: 
|. Take the population away from village life and 
2. The development in transportation sector and vehicles. 
This urbanization period, which is not caused by fast 
industrialization, is described as movement of poverty and 
hidden unemployment in villages to cities. (Keles, 2002) Poor 
people, who can't be employed after migration to city, try to 
solve the problem of house by building shanties outside of 
planned area. 
Although urbanization affects the whole cities generally, it can 
be said that it affects the fast growing cities differently. In the 
period of 1990-2000 populations in Istanbul increased by 
2.306.005 and in Ankara by 703.720. In other words, in the 
metropolises like Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir, the places, which 
will provide residence to the increasing population, should be 
planned. If it is taken into consideration that according to 2000 
census, population. of 61 cities are under 500.000, the 
importance of residential planning can be seen clearly. Because 
the appropriate planning is not carried out, reconstruction 
amnesty is applied in every two or three years since 1948 and 
de facto is tried to be legalized. 
Jt is estimated that average annual urbanisation rate between 
1995-2000 is 4.7 percent. The urban population, which was 
estimated to be 34.4 million in 1995, is expected to reach 43.3 
million at the end of 2000 and constitutes 66.4 percent of the 
total population. Urban population that was estimated to be 
43.3 million in 2000 is expected to reach 54.7 million by the 
end of 2005 constituting 78 percent of the total population. In 
the 8th Plan period (2001-2005), it is expected that the rate of 
urbanisation will be realised by an average of 4.75 percent 
annually. The urbanisation phenomenon that started to 
accelerate in 1950s has led to accumulation of population 
crowds in big cities hampering a balanced urban distribution. 
This situation led to significant problems related to change in 
social and economic structures, and rapidly increasing urban 
investment needs. Unlike the case in developed countries, the 
urbanisation process in Turkey has occurred as a migration 
phenomenon in which urban poverty is preferred to rural. At 
the end of 2000, 44 percent of the urban population, 23 percent 
of which is in Istanbul is expected to be settled in cities whose 
population is over one million. In the 8th Plan period, 
additional housing requirement in settlements with a 
population of 20.000 or more, will be 2.714.000 due to 
demographic developments. Additionally, 72.200 houses per 
year, a total of 361.000 in five years, will be needed for some 
other reasons like renewals and natural disasters, including 
former needs caused by disasters. Consequently, the total 
housing requirement in the plan period, stemming from 
urbanisation, population growth, renewal and natural disasters, 
is 3.075.000 (LTSEFYD, 2004) 
The problem is not only the deficiency of planning but also the 
deficiency of collecting geographic data and information 
related to determination of de facto needed in planning, fast 
and actually. Because of this problem, planning steps and 
connection between the plans can not be carried out 
The legal part of urban planning includes legal arrangements, 
such as urban development law, which arrange urban, urban 
conservation, removing of unbalance between regions etc. 
Urban planning hierarchy in Turkey was arranged by urban 
development law numbered 3194. The connection between 
national plan which is important for economy, and 
development plans is tried to solve with regional plans and 
environmental plans. 
a) Regional Plans: Regional planning is arisen from 
urbanization, urban problems and the necessity of 
planning of cities and rural areas, which effect the cities 
or are effected by cities because of unbalance between 
regions, together. (Bozkurt, Ergun, 1998) 

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