Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
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Table. I Specifications of TABI-320 £ : 
= : 
[nstrument Tvpe Pushbroom Thermal Imaging M icrobolometer E : 
t. mS 48 deg across-track across 320 pixels; - f/1 E | 
Field of View (FOV) den gers ! Ë he ri 0e du 46 
0.25 deg along-track = water 
T. EA; TI: : = . : thermud 
Instantaneous Field of View 12.87 milliradians 3 ben edn ibe water 
^ 1 
Spectral Range 8 - 12 um (800 - 1200 nm) : I band a 
: e 4 ABATE m, ; te 
Dynamic Range 4096 : 1 (12bits) meets AM ven N — 
- — 9 —" 
- ———— Jd 1 j ect je — ^ — e — > 
Temperature Range -20 to 110 'C Nominal ki [oii Ft RY ier 
S 7 * * 
NEAt 0.1K 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 J 
0 2am dam Gam Ram 12 tpm Spm 6 
nndmght noon micha ht 
| 1 Day | 
Fig. 3 Thermal Behavior of Materials in | Day 
(From NASA’s Website) 
Table. 2 Flight Record of TABI 
GSD Altitude : : Time (Local) 
; Date Start End 
(m) (ft) 
Lat Lon Lat Lon Start End 
Early N 35'51'31.3" [E 13608'13.7" [N 3548 11.3". |E 13670523.6" 14:12:47 14:15:16 
Afternoon 2003/10/30 
(EA) N 3551534.0" |E 136'08'09.0" IN 35 4814.0" JE 136'05'18.9" 14:24:59 14:27:28 
1.5 2425.0 
Early in N3548'11.3" |E 136:0523.6" |N 35 5131.3" |E 136‘08'13.7" 8:33:53 8:36:23 
Morning 2003/10/31 
(EM) N 3548'14.0" |E 13605'18.9" [N 35 5134.0" |E 136708'09.0" 8:45:57 8:48:26 
(a) Early Afternoon (EA) (b) Early Morning (EM) 
Fig.2 TABI Images with 1.5 m resolution on October 30-31, 2003 
type. Thermal image has a great possibility for concrete structures in the study area by the Ministry of Construction, 
monitoring because the deviation of concrete surface Japan in 1997 was utilized as a reference. The types of concrete 
temperature in one day is large. We assume that the irregular structure problems in the report are listed below. 
distribution of temperature occurs at the concrete anomaly 
points. (1) Crack of Sprayed Mortar 
(2) Peeling of Sprayed Mortar 
4. DEFINITION OF CONCRETE ANOMALY (3) Swell of Sprayed Mortar 
(4) Crack of Retaining Wall (Concrete Block) 
A report on the inspection activity of the concrete erosion (5) Swell of Retaining Wall (Concrete Block) 

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