Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 9. Thermal (a) and hyperspectral (b) images of Fuchu 
Figure 10 illustrates three kinds of spectrums generated from 
the hyperspectral data for several buildings, which were 
selected for the buildings of the higher temperature (higher than 
36° 9, middle temperature buildings (15* to 36* 3, lower 
temperature buildings (lower than 15* 3. Although there is not 
much characteristic differences in the reflectance patterns, we 
noticed the differences in the digital number (DN) values 
(reflective intensity). 
Figure 11 (a) describes the relationship between intensity of 
reflection estimated from the hyperspectral data and the 
temperature observed by the TABI. It indicated that the ground 
surface temperature became lower, as intensity of reflection 
became higher. We also analysed the airborne surface 
temperature data captured for the Osaka City. The observation 
was performed on 11* September 2003 at 16:45 and 141 
September 2003 at 23:30hrs. The intensity of reflectance was 
estimated by the visible data (Red: 610-660nm, Green: 
535-585nm, Blue: 430-490nm) and the NIR data (835-885nm) 
captured by airborne digital sensor (ADS40, GSD of 20cm) in 
August 2003, because the hyperspectral data was unavailable 
for that duration. 
Values in Figure 11 (b) illustrate the relationship between 
intensity of reflection observed from ADS40 and ground 
surface temperature of the evening acquired by TABI. It 
indicates that ground surface temperature becomes low, as 
intensity of the reflection reaches higher values. Similarly, the 
plotted values in Figure 11 (c) shows the relationship between 
intensity of reflection (from the ADS40 image) and ground 
surface temperature in the midnight. It indicates that there is no 
relationship between the ground surface temperature and 
intensity of reflection. This was obviously because there was 
no solar radiation energy during the nighttime. 
We observed the surface temperature in Hiroshima City used 
by airborne sensor, gh September 2003, between 
17:00-18:00hrs. It showed that the road temperature was higher 
than river and forest temperature about 12°C. The surface 
temperatures of the business district areas had almost same 
temperatures as bare soils and higher than river and forest 
about 7°C. 
x 10° 
6 High temperature buildings 
5 29 
DN Value 
DN Value 
ture buildin 
404 489 575 664 754 845 936 
Wavelength (nm) 
Figure 10. Differences in the spectrums by radiometric surface 
$ Correlation | 
45 3.9 — Coeffiient -0.72. i 
g 3S 
E o 30 
= 5 
& 3 2s | 
LE | 
u 5 | 
En . | 
0 5 10 15 207 25 
Total of DN value x 107 
36 —— ——————XÀ 1 
Correlation | 
= — 24 Coefficient: -0.48 | 
= 3 
E. e 
Ev 2$ * e 
= 5 32 4. = ©. i 
e n * | 
BE * 6 e? 
= 0 * 
= + 30 i 
= | 
= i 
28 J 
0 2 4 6 8 10 
Total of DN value x10? 
30 p—————————————7] 
Correlation | 
e Coefficient : 0.11 | 
2 IR — a es e AI NA 
= 28 se e | 
© + e +? | 
22 rer AS | 
= 3 26 e * | 
5 9. | 
3E d | 
uo 24 F———————— 5 - = 
m Ust { 
7 5 -i 
== 2 4 6 8 10 
Total of DN value x 10° 
Figure 11. Relationship between reflectance and Ground 
surface temperature. (a) Fuchu City (b) Osaka City - evening 
time observations (c) Osaka City - midnight observations 
After comparing the hyperspectral data with the temperature of 
the building-roofs, there were noticeable differences in the 
spectrum for the surface temperatures. There were not many 
characteristic differences in the reflectance patterns, but the 
differences were noticed for the DN values. The reflectance of 
the material between 400 to 970nm and surface temperature 
had the negative correlations. The present conducted study will 

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