Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
be helpful to provide valuable information and 
recommendations to the local agencies for assessing the UHI in 
the observed cities. 
The future study will detect UHI phenomena, land use changed 
over specified periods of time. lt will consider an 
interdisciplinary approach to explain the driving forces behind 
UHI effects; land-use and land-cover changes in the selected 
study sites. If all roofs were cooler the energy savings in many 
cities could be tens of millions of dollars a year. Lower 
temperatures would decrease the production of smog, which 
has many cities out of compliance with clean-air ‚standards. 
Computer simulations will be carried out to estimate the 
citywide lowering of temperature and reduction of smog that 
deployment of whiter materials may achieve. The study also 
would develop a common protocol for methods and data sets, 
aimed at providing a framework for comparative studies. Policy 
related to urban planning such as urban forest development, 
roof garden reflective roof and road, transport planning etc. 
could be formulated. Effective mitigation methods can be 
suggested after finding the effects of UHI in the study areas. 
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