Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

S. Zlatanova, P. van Oosterom and E. Verbree 
Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 9, Delft, The Netherlands, (s.zlatanova|oosterom|e.verbree @otb.tudelft.nl 
Commission VII, WG VII/S 
KEY WORDS: Hazards, Databases, Data Structures, Interoperability, Query, Integration, Urban, Real-time 
An increasing number of disasters (natural and man-made) with a large number of victims and significant social and economical 
losses are observed in the last years. Although particular events can always be attributed to fate, it is improving the disaster 
management that have to contribute to decreasing damages and ensuring proper care for citizens in affected areas. Some of the 
lessons learned in the last several years give clear indications that the availability, management and presentation of geo-information 
play a critical role in disaster management. 
The paper discusses requirements for a system supporting *urban and urgent' disaster management. The aim of the system is to 
facilitate the work of police forces, fire departments, ambulances and government coordinators in disaster situations. The (geo) 
information provision addresses important aspects such as data discovery (finding the needed information based on a user location 
and user profile defined on the-fly), data preparation (in a form appropriate for the requesting front-end) and data export 
(considering the state-of-the-art in standardisation). 
The focus of the paper is on the required developments at a database level (or middleware) to be able to provide context-aware 
solutions assuming given positioning (to determine the location p 
art of the context) and communication (to exchange the context- 
aware information). Three important aspects are addressed: a) Integrated management of multimedia information (graphics, text, 
video, raster), b) Ontology and semantic translators, c) 3D positioning to cope with emergency situations. 
The terrorist attacks in the US and Spain, summer floods of 
2002. fires and earthquakes of 2003 in Europe have tragically 
demonstrated, the whole disaster management sector needs 
extended and more sophisticated means for facing man-made, 
natural and industrial risks. This issue gains a high priority in 
the political agenda of many governments in Europe. New 
systems have to be developed that allow different service units 
to operate together (to understand each other) in any critical 
situation. The cooperation across different sectors, involved in 
disaster management such as the Health Sector, Police and Fire 
Brigade and Civil Protection, has to be extended beyond their 
specific services. They have to be open to cooperate, coordinate 
and understand other organisations and the information they 
may provide. The final goal is limiting the number of casualties 
by a) facilitating the work of the emergency services, making it 
safer and more efficient, and b) ensuring citizens (in the area of 
disaster and outside it) will receive high-quality care, on-time 
information and instructions. 
Amongst all, geo-information is becoming a key issue in the 
achievement of these goals. Geo-information collections 
consisting of maps, images, plans and variety of schema's are 
already widely used in many of the Disaster Management 
Phases, e.g. Mitigation, Preparedness, Recovery (Zlatanova 
and Holweg 2004). The use of geo-information in the urgent 
(time-critical) Response phase is still limited. Several major 
problems can be considered: 
e Most of the information available is designed, stored, and 
managed by organisations that normally have distinct 
authorizations. In normal circumstances these 
organisations operate independently of each other. They 
are only partly designed to work in a multidisciplinary 
environment, and their systems reflect this status with 
known limitations to their interoperability. 
e  QGeo-data is managed by different systems (CAD, GIS, 
DBMS) in specific details, resolutions, object definition, 
schemas and formats. Exchange of data is based on 
creating a copy of data sets in a specific format that is 
readable by the systems of the other party. Preparations of 
such files may require days and storage space of several 
hundreds megabytes. This manner of work is definitely not 
appropriate for dealing with emergency situations. 
The experience suggests that the real barriers are not lack of 
data or insufficient technical capabilities. The current 
development of Geo-Information Infrastructures (GII's) at 
several levels (e.g. national NCGI, European INSPIRE, etc.) 
based on open standards (OpenGIS, ISO TC211, OMG, W3C) 
further improves this situation. The bottlenecks are in most 
cases related to the ‘information’ about the information, Le. 
finding the most appropriate data and making data available. 
The lack of interoperability, due to the explosion of many 
standards and developments, delays systems to be connected 
and updated without massive investments (often unaffordable 
for organisations). This results into a partial automation capable 
of dealing dedicated tasks but unable to deliver intelligence to 
multi-user groups. 
This paper addresses the developments in geo-DBMS (with 
focus on the 3D and semantic aspects) to support Response 
phase in disaster management. Since providing appropriate 
information in the Response phase is highly related to the 
location of rescue teams and/or citizens on the field, current and 
future possibilities for 3D positioning are discussed in detail. 
The paper concludes with important directions for research and 
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