Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
communities. Correcting for this requires a direct mapping 
of shared definitions plus a set of interpretations for terms 
that can't be mapped. Where there is a 1:M mapping of 
definitions between communities, generalization and a 
consequent loss of information will occur when mapping 
multiple, specific definitions to one more general 
Finally, there is the case in which basic concepts are not 
shared between the communities, i.e., when the two 
communities have starkly different worldviews. For 
instance, consider the real world features ‘snow’ and 
‘transportation systems’. Suppose one Information 
Community recognizes only the first, and the second 
recognizes only the second. Attempting to address the 
effects of snow on transportation systems would be 
difficult or impossible in either community. 
4.2 Formal semantics 
The discussion above clearly shows that an important key 
solving the addressed problems is capturing the semantics 
included in the different models. Implicit knowledge or nice 
pieces of natural text and tables are not sufficient for this 
purpose. A more formal approach, as developed in disciplines 
such as knowledge engineering, ontology and object-oriented 
modelling, is required. Based on this formal semantic approach 
it becomes possible to decide whether different domain models 
(or even models within one domain) are or can be harmonized. 
Also, spatial information handling by machines will become 
important, which makes the formal approach even more 
necessary. In the last decade important technology progress has 
been made in the discipline of knowledge engineering (UML, 
ontology, semantic web), which enables further knowledge 
formalization in a practical manner. 
At this moment most spatial (both CAD and GIS) information is 
used relatively direct by humans, in the future also large parts 
of the information will (first) be processed by machine, 
especially in time-critical situations of disaster management 
(before communication again with humans). While a human 
(familiar within a specific domain) is capable of interpreting 
different concepts by using implicit context information (which 
domain is under concern, who did supply/produce the 
information, etc.), for a machine (or humans not familiar with 
the specific domain) it will be necessary to make this 
knowledge explicitly available. A large part of the formal 
structural knowledge concerning the concepts (objects being 
modelled) is captured in the relationships that an object has 
with other types of objects (specialization/generalization, 
part/whole, association), characteristics (attributes) and 
operations (methods, functions) belonging to the object class. 
UML class diagrams are often used for this modelling (OMG, 
2002, chapter 3, part 5). The use of UML class diagrams has 
become the ‘default’ approach when creating formal knowledge 
frameworks, but the graphic diagram has a limited semantic 
accuracy. Within UML a non-graphic language is provided for 
further modelling semantics (knowledge frameworks), i.e. the 
Object Constraint Language (OCL, see OMG, 2002, chapter 6, 
OMG, 2003). This can be used to specify conditions to which a 
valid model should adhere (constraints); such as invariants for 
classes and pre- and post-conditions for operations. 
Besides UML (and OCL) there are also specific tools for 
handling (‘reasoning’) with formal concepts (semantics, 
ontology); e.g. translation the terms/concepts from one domain 
to the terms/concepts of another domain. Possible tools are 
OWL, the Web Ontology Language (W3C, 2004) or the new 
ODM (Ontology Definition Metamodel) development from the 
OMG of which the final adoption is expected November 2004. 
4.3 Further research 
Some of the most important issues to be considered in 
semantic/data discovery domain are: 
e Integration of thematic, contingency and real-time data in 
preparation for knowledge discovery and emergency 
knowledge transaction processing. 
e Developing context-aware engines and agents for query 
and analysis with respect to the type of the front-end and 
communication channels used. 
* Investigation, adaptation and development of converters to 
well-known Web standards and formats. 
e Developing knowledge-based systems for browsing and 
analysis in a distributed data environment. 
e Investigating and developing intelligent semantic-based 
engines and corresponding translators for semantic search 
and analysis. : 
As mentioned in Section 2, highest requirements are coming 
from the mobile users and workers. To be able to discover the 
most appropriate information, the system may need 3D 
positions of the users. Furthermore the system has to be able to 
maintain continuous communication related to both rescue 
forces (Police, Ambulance, Fire Brigade) and citizens. 
The required accuracy of the positioning may depend on the 
case and may vary from 100 meters (locating a hospital) up to 5 
meters (locating and safe exit in a building with reduced 
visibility). The system should be able to detect what kind of 
situation appears and selectively decide on the preferred way of 
positioning and communication (depending on the availability 
of networks). 
5.1 Positioning 
Several possibilities for positioning can be considered: Global 
Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), telecom networks, 
WLAN or hybrids of them. All approaches have advantages and 
disadvantages (Zlatanova and Verbree 2003). : 
At the moment the only available relatively low-cost Global 
Navigation Satellite System devices offering 3D positioning 
and navigation capabilities are GPS devices. Although these 
devices are designed to track up to 12 satellites simultaneously, 
they receive in dense build-up areas not that easy the minimal 4 
satellite single frequency signals necessary to determine a 3D- 
position. The configuration of these line-of-sights is not optimal 
either, limiting the accuracy to less than the 10 meters, which 
could be obtained with a clear view. At first sight, both 
accuracy and availability are not suitable for the rapid and 
precise positioning necessary for tracing ad tracking mobile 
workers and users within disaster management application. 
Furthermore, with a cold start, the receivers needs a certain 
start-up time to acquire the satellite almanac, necessary to know 
where to look for a certain satellite. Within buildings and other 
closed spaces the satellite signal is too weak to use. Finally, the 
receivers should be carried in such a way as the antenna is more 
or less positioned to the sky. All these limitations are no in 
favour of for using GPS as it is currently available. 

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