Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
A large archive of historical satellite radar imagery exists for 
the Arabian Gulf region stretching back to 1984. However, not 
necessarily all of these images are useful for showing oil slicks. 
The suitability of radar imagery for slick detection is largely a 
function of the local weather and sea-state conditions at the 
time of image acquisition. Detection hinges on a significant 
difference in sea-surface texture between the area covered by 
oil and the surrounding clean water. This occurs when a 
uniform wind of sufficient strength blows across the surface, 
raising small capillary wavelets in the absence of oil. However, 
if the wind blows too strongly I overwhelms the surface-tension 
effects of a film of oil, and the oil covered area becomes as 
rough as the surrounding seas. Precipitation can also break apart 
or obscure thin oil slicks. 
The image data were geographically transformed to fit the base 
map image using corner point locations provided with the 
images. Images brightness and contract were manipulated to 
optimise the discrimination of slicks. After the radiometric 
range correction and the georefrencing of each image, the 
procedure starts with the definition of a target area. For each 
ERS SAR image, we obtained handcart wind speed data every 6 
hours interval spanning the 24-hour prior to the time of 
satellite’s overpass. Wind speed at the time of image acquisition 
was between 3 and 5 metres per second. Ideal condition were 
considered to be a wind speed of 3-4 metres per second at 
acquisition time, with a maximum speed well below 10 metres 
per second and average speed well below 5 meters per second 
during the prior 24 hours. As a minimum, several hours of fair 
conditions are required for new slick to accumulate to a 
detectable size. If at most likely have been dispersal. If the wind 
speed exceeded 5 meters per second during the previous 24 
hours, it will most likely have prevented the formation of a thin 
oil slick. The ERS-1/2 images used in this study were observed 
during suitable wind condition for slick analysis. 
Analytical efforts were focused on overall assessments of 
image quality and suitability for slick detection, identification 
of possible oil slicks in the area, and comparison of slick 
patterns between the different dates of imagery and also 
different types of sensors .the interpretation results indicate that 
certain coastal areas of the UAE face frequent oil spills. 
Satellite images show striking examples, one offshore Fujairah 
(centred at the coordinates 25030' N/56025'E). Considerable 
spill concentrations were found within successive JERS-1 OPS, 
Landsat-7 ETM+ images and ERS-1/2 SAR browse images. 
Other ‘eventful’ but less critically affected regions appear to be 
the congested waterway approaches, such as the Strait of 
Hormuz, and zones with major oíl production and transport 
routes offshore Dubai, Sharjah, and Ajman. The images indicate 
that the areas in the offshore Fujairah, the coast lineof the Gulf 
of Oman, face a higher incidence of oil spills than the other of 
areas. Here considerable spill concentrations were found within 
the continuously observed JERS-1 OPS, Landsat-7 ETM+ 
images and ERS-1/2 SAR browse images. The heavily polluted 
regions lie off the coast between Fujairah and Khor Fakkan 
associated with anchorage of tankers prior to entering the 
Arabian Gulf. The pollution in this area is probably due to 
deliberate discharges of ballast water containing oil from ships. 
Oil discharging from both anchored and moving vessels can be 
observed in each image. Immediately after discharging flush 
ballast water, the simmering water surface can be seen as bright 
silver to gray colour patches on the surrounding water. Based 
on the size of the image pixel, most of vessels are super tankers 
whose size of hull is more than 300 m in length. Although 
sequential sampling of the ERS-1/2 SAR browse images can be 
considered, some firs conclusions can already be drawn about 
this potential threat to the Gulf of Oman environment, such as 
the generally higher abundance of spills along the coast of 
Shipping routes with relatively frequent incidences of oil spills 
are the offshore area running parallel to the coast of Abu Dhabi, 
Dubai, Shajah and Ajman where intensive oil production 
activities exist, and the routes through the Strait of Hormuz. 
This study is probably the first time that spatial distribution of 
oil pollution is mapped over a quite wide sea area in the region 
using high spatial resolution satellite images. Attention was 
focused on the area of the offshore from Abu Dhabi to Ajman 
with analysis using seven ERS-1/2 SAR images including 2 
tandem mode 24-hour interval image observed on 24 April, 29, 
May and 30 May 1996 (Figure 3). Numerous small oil slicks 
caused by oil spilled from ships leaked from oil platforms, and 
natural seeps from the seafloor are visible throughout the 
A partial problem is the effect of extensive dark, low wind areas 
across the north-eastern parts of the 29 and 30 May images. 
This weather pattern is not uncommon in the Arabian Gulf 
region. Scattered oil spill are marked by dark patches with a 
variety of sizes and shapes on the sea surface. Despite these 
localized problems, both images were acquired under generally 
acceptable conditions for slick detection. It is seen clearly that 
there are two polluted regions, one in the west side of the image 
and one in the southwest corner of the image. If we put this map 
over the layer representing the oil fields and the shipping 
routes, a close relationship between spills and both oil fields 
and the shipping routes can be found visually. 
Continuous Oil Leaking from Platform ; 
(13 February 2002) 
Figure 3. ERS-1/2 SAR images including 2 tandem mode 24- 
hour interval image observed on 24 April, 29, May and 30 May 
Near the oil field north-western quadrant of the image in many 
distinct elongated and dog-leg slicks appear with very similar 
morphology to natural seepage slicks. Hence very bright spots 
can be seen at one end of the slicks as origin points. Observed 
slicks and bright spots in the 3 images acquired on different 
dates are confirmed as leakage oil slicks from same oil 
production platforms. In addition, known well location 
correspond to the leaking pints as well. The clear discrimination 
of these slicks on these images provides strong evidence that 

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