Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
station from Thailand, and process and stores the data. 
DMSP/OLS data come from National Geophysical Data Center 
/NOAA using network system such as Asia Pacific Advanced 
Network (APAN), we get NOAA/AVHRR and DMSP/OLS 
data on semi-real time. 
The NOAA/AVHRR data, which are processed at the 
Computer Center for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 
Research, Japan, named as Satellite Image Database System in 
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (SIDaB) (Kodama et al., 
2000). In this system, the user can search and download the 
satellite images freely using WWW and FTP 
(http://www.affre.go.jp/agropedia/).The NOAA/AVHRR data 
of this system are receiving at three stations of Japan, 
Shiogama, Yokohama and Ishigaki, and one station of 
Thailand, Bangkok belonged to Asian Institute of Technology 
(AIT). These data are transmitted using the high-speed network 
system, and processed at the Computer Center for Agriculture, 
Forestry and Fisheries Research, Japan. The geometric 
correction and mosaic are doing in short time using TeraScan 
software and EWS. The daily, weekly, ten-days and monthly 
NDVI, MCSST and other datasets are supplied automatically. 
3.1 Creating the standard NDVI image 
Firstly, we select the suitable period NOAAA data for creating 
the standard NDVI images. On thinking of climatically 
periodicity, it seems that the longer time series data are suitable 
for creating the standard NDVI image. The NOAA/AVHRR 
data in SIDaB are useful from 1994. However, it is known that 
clouds and other atmosphere constituents obscure the land 
surface, reducing NDVI considerably (Goward et al, 1991; 
Goward et al, 1993; Gutman 1991; Twonshend 1994; Los et al. 
1994; Justice and Townshend 1994). Due to a volcanic 
eruption, the NDVI was depressed for a long time (Kogan et al. 
1994). On the other hand, on thinking of agriculture, since there 
are the annual changes in the vegetation, the too old data are 
impossible for explanation of vegetation changes. Therefore, 
considering both two factors above, because the atmospheric 
state is almost stable since 1997, the NOAA/AVHRR data in 
1997-1999 are selected for creating the standard NDVI images. 
In order to minimize the cloud effects, the ten-days NDVI 
images are created using the maximum value of every pixel 
firstly. Then, the ten-days NDVI images are masked because 
there are also cloudy pixels even in this method. The cloudy 
pixels (NDVI < 0) are substituted as the special value areas so 
that these pixels are eliminated when the averages of NDVI 
data are calculated. The average values of NDVI data in1997- 
1999 are that of standard NDVI images. Examples of the 
standard NDVI images are shown in fig. 2. 
3.2 Agriculture Monitoring Using up-to-date (2000 year) 
NDVI image 
The up-to-date NDVI is calculated just after the ten days and 
cloud pixels are masked for elimination. Similar to the reason 
described above, there are also the cloudy pixels in up-to-date 
ten-days NDVI image even using the maximum value of each 
pixel for the daily and ten-days images. For these areas, it is 
impossible to monitor the change of vegetation. Therefore, 
these pixels (NDVI < 0) are substituted as the special value 
area. In the NDVI image, these areas are shown in gray areas 
(fig. 3). When the NDVI image is used, these areas will be 
The difference NDVI images between the standard and up-to- 
date ten-days NDVI images are calculated, and the drought risk 
maps are created using this difference NDVI. The bigger 
difference NDVI pixels are listed as the drought risk areas, and 
the values of this difference NDVI show the intensities of 
drought effects. Considering the change of vegetation growth, 
the drought risk maps are created using the following two 
calculation methods. The first method is using the value of the 
difference NDVI between the standard and up-to-date directly 
(fig. 3). There are 3 classes, >0.1, 0.1~-0.1, <-0.1. Considering 
the general condition of vegetation growth, < -0.1 classes is 
listed as poor growth of crops as usual. 
3.3 Detecting and monitoring drought in China 
China is essentially an agricultural country with about 80 
percent of its total population engaged in agriculture. It is the 
biggest developing country, with the one fifth of the world’s 
population. Anything is bound to affect all over world, 
especially, the food problem direct affected by agriculture. It is 
important to detect and monitor the changes of the agriculture 
in China. In last year (2000), there were heavy droughts in 
China. In this research, using the early detection system 
described above, the drought area and intensity are successfully 
detected and monitored. 
Using the agriculture monitoring system described above, the 
drought risk maps on each ten-days interval in 2000 are 
created. In this paper, the NDVI difference and intensity in the 
last ten-days of June and July are described fig. 3. In early 
June, there were drought possibility areas at Inner Mongolia in 
China and Mongolia, and then the area extends all direction (fig. 
4). The standard, up-to-date, difference and ratio of difference 
and standard NDVI profiles are created (fig. 5) in the average 
NDVI values at 10 pixels of every plot (fig. 5). According to 
these NDVI profiles. Forest Steppe (A and B) has a big peak in 
July and Desert Steppe (C) has a little high plateau from June 
to September. We can easily understand to the effects of 
drought at these plots. Two crops system area in China (D) has 
two peaks that are winter wheat and rice. At the D of fig. 5, it is 
almost same 2000 year and average of three years. 
In fig. 6, Beijing City was included the drought possibility area, 
and we checked the precipitation at Beijing. The averages of 
precipitation in 1997-1999 are calculated, and then compared 
with the precipitation in 2000, the changes of average, up-to- 
date and the difference precipitation are shown in fig. 4. From 
fig. 4, the precipitation in 2000 was less than the average 
precipitation at Beijing city before July. Due to the little 
precipitation, the negative difference between precipitation and 
potential evaporation occurred to drought. 
In this research, using the changes of up-to-date and normal 
NDVI from NOAA/AVHRR data, agriculture monitoring 
system is developed. The standard ten-days NDVI images are 
created using the averages of ten-days cloud free NDVI data in 
1997-1999. Using this system, we can make the drought risk 
map. The map is created using the differences between the up- 
to-date ten-days NDVI images and the standard NDVI images. 
The bigger negative difference pixels (difference NDVI < -0.1) 
are listed as the drought risk areas. The drought risk maps in 
China last year are discussed as the example. Compiling the 
analyses of characteristics of NDVI profiles and meteorological 
precipitation data, the drought effects on agriculture in 2000 are 
detected and monitored successful. It is shown that this system 
is possible and useful to detect the drought area and intensity 
on agriculture 

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