Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
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Year of publication 
Graph 1. Publications on application of remote sensing and GIS 
techniques in mapping invasive species 
Mapping the type and extent of bio-invasions, the impact of 
invasions or potential risks of invasions requires accurate 
assessment and modelling species distributions. So far no 
synoptic literature review has been published in the field of 
mapping invasive species. To sketch the possibilities, 
limitations and challenges of remote sensing techniques in 
mitigation of invasive species, this paper provides an overview 
of the application of remote sensing and GIS technologies in 
mapping biological invasions. We addressed the following 
1. What mapping techniques have been used to map and 
predict the potential distribution of invasive species? 
2. What sensors and what image processing and 
classification techniques have been used to map the 
actual distribution of invasive species? 
3. For what species groups (canopy versus non canopy 
members, plant versus animal species) has successful 
mapping been reported? Is there any evidence that the 
reported successful applications tend to be biased 
towards any particular species groups? 
4. To what extent has sensitivity to scale and the 
reliability of the mapping product been addressed? 
S. Which available mapping techniques so far not 
applied to invaders could be used to improve the 
mapping of invasive species? 
We searched for articles on biological invasions using several 
electronic databases (AgECONCD, GEOBASE and SOILCD), 
covering international agricultural, economical and rural 
development literature, Journals, monographs, conferences, 
books and annual reports. We also searched other sources such 
as scientific abstracts, worldwide web, CD ROMs and libraries 
within the Netherlands. Several experts were contacted who 
provided additional references. 
2.1 From global to local scale 
At national or continental level, maps of invasive species 
distribution are mainly interpolations from recorded 
observations compiled and stored in herbaria, zoological 
collections and research institutes. Maps are often generated by 
manually drawing polygons (boundaries) around areas where 
the species is known to occur or alternatively using some 
automated interpolation — procecures. For example the 
distribution map of Chromolaena odorata, one of the world's 
worst invaders is displayed in Figure 1. The map displays the 
distribution as a continuous surface. This suggests that the 
species occurs throughout the area represented by the map 
polygons. In reality, species are not homogeneously distributed 
across their distribution range. Instead they prevail in certain 
environments while they are absent from others. Maps showing 
discontinuous patches would more realistically represent such a 
distribution pattern. However, at small scale (typically « | to a 
million) we prefer to use interpolations, while realizing that 
they are generalizations, displaying the broad geographic range 
within which the species is known to occur. 
Figure 1. The world distribution of Chromolaena odorata: area 
under infestation (Black) and native range (Grey). Source: map 
drown by the author based on global invasive species database 
(ISSG, 2004) 
The need to display the discontinuity and patchiness in 
distribution patterns emerges while moving towards larger 
scales. Here, it would be impractical to derive maps through 
interpolation, because it would require sampling every patch, a 
costly operation particularly when larger areas are to be 
2.2 Remote sensing techniques 
Remote sensing gives a synoptic view of the surface of the 
earth. Aerial photography is the oldest remote sensing technique 
(Sabins, 1987; Lillesand & Kiefer, 1994). There is a wide 
choice of films and spectral sensitivity (visible part of the 
spectrum versus those that include the infrared). Aerial 
photography has been used to assess vegetation and plant 
species attributes such as canopy architecture, vegetative 
density, leaf pubescence and phenological stage (Everitt et al, 
2001a). Digital camera photography and videography are 
recently introduced as cheap, easily available and flexible 
alternatives to standard photography, particularly when the data 
are to be transferred onto a computer system. There are systems 
available that cover the near infrared (NIR) and infrared (IR) as 
well. Multispectral scanners register reflectance in a number of 
spectral bands throughout the visible, near- to far-infrared 
portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Broad-band scanners 
have few spectral bands of one hundred or more nm wide. 
Hyperspectral scanners have more (tens up to several hundreds) 
but narrower (from tens to a few nm wide) spectral bands. 
Broad-band scanners have been successfully applied to 
discriminate between broad land cover types such as forest 
versus bare soil and built up area. The higher spectral resolution 
of hyperspectral scanners allows discrimination of more subtle 
differences such as those between individual species (Graph 2). 
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