Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 Int 
Pandya M.R., 144 Val 
Leaf Area Index Retrieval Using Irs Liss-iii Sensor Data and Validation of Modis Lai Product over India Mo 
Yang P., Tan G.X., Zha Y., Shibasaki R., 150 Yin 
Integrating Remotely Sensed Data with An Ecosystem Model to Estimate Crop Yield in North China Lan 
Gusso A., Fontana D.C., 156 Kar 
Nocturnal Monitoring of The Land Surface Temperature Variation in The Rio Grande Lar 
Do Sul State Using Avhrr/noaa Satellites 
Unal E., Mermer A., Dogan H.M., : 160 Veg 
Determining Major Orchard (pistachio, Olive, Vineyard) Areas in 
Gaziantep Province Using Remote Sensing Techniques Din 
Sulistioadi Y.B., Hussin Y.A., Sharifi A., 164 
Identification of High Conservation Value Forest (HCVF) in Natural Production Tal 
Forest to Support Implementation of Sfm Certification in Indonesia Using Remote Sensing and GIS Ext 
Vieira T.G.C., Alves H.M.R., Lacerda M.P.C., Veiga R.D., Epiphanio J.C.N., 170 
Crop Parameters for The Evaluation of The Spectral Response of Coffee (coffea Arabica) Lin 
Areas within The State of Minas Gerais, Brazil Ap] 
Alves HM.R., Vieira T.G.C., Lacerda M.P.C., Bertoldo M.A., Andrade H., 175 Yin 
Characterization of Coffee Agroecosystems of The State of Minas Gerais in Brazil : Usi 
Cheng C.C., Chen Y.K., Wang S.F., Jan J.F., 181 Kili 
Forestland Classification Using An Ecosystem Approach Em 
Sha Z., Bian F., 186 Kal 
An Integrated GIS and Knowledge-based Decision Support System in GIS 
Assisting Farm-level Agronomic Decision-making ; 
Turker M., Arikan M., 192 Rer 
Field-based Crop Mapping Through Sequential Masking Classification of Pre 
Multi-temporal Landsat-7 Etm+ Images in Karacabey, Turkey 
Ogawa S., Shima T., Takeichi H., 198 Aer 
Detection of Preparatory Water in Paddy Irrigation Area Using Radarsat/sar-c and 
Landsat/etm+ Ast 
Domag A., Zeydanli U., Yesilnacar E., Siizen M.L., 204 
Integration and Usage of Indices, Feature Components and Topography in Jar 
Vegetation Classification for Regional Biodiversity Assessment - Pro 
Schmidlin D., Valentini M.L., Gimenez L.M., Camboim S., 208 She 
Precision Agriculture Technology in A Regional Approach: The Abc Foudation Experience De 
Venus V., Rugege D., 212 
Combined Use of Polar Orbiting and Geo-stationary Satellites to Improve Ma 
Time Interpolation in Dynamic Crop Models for Food Security Assessment Unt 
Meirelles M.S., Costa G.A., Singh D., Berroir J.P., Herlin I., Silva E.F., Coutinho H.L., 220 
A Methodology to Support The Analysis of Environmental Degradation Using Noaa Avhrr Data Xie 
Hamazaki T., Kaneko Y., Kuze A., 225 Dyi 
Carbon Dioxide Monitoring from The Gosat Satellite 
Quader O., Islam Z., Rahman H., Rahman M., Sarkar M.H., Khan A.S., 228 Ac 
Suitable Site Selection of Shrimp Farming in The Coastal Areas of Bangladesh Sca 
Using Remote Sensing Techniques (4 S Model) 
Guo J.K., Liu J.Y., Huang G.M., Zhuang D.F., Yan H.M., Zhang G.P., 234 Mu 
Detecting Crop Rotations in China Using Avhrr Imagery and Ancillary Data Ga: 
Yoshimura M., Yamashita M., Nakashizuka T., 239 Fre 
Development and Application of Three Dimensional Measurement System for Toropical Rainforest Canopy Im] 
Krug, T., Rivera-Lombardi R.J., Santos J.R.D., 243 
Burned Area, Recurrence of Fires and Permanence of Burnt Scars in Ca; 
Selected Areas of The Brazilian Cerrado Using TM-Landsat Imagery AS 
Jamalabad M.S., Abkar A.A., 247 Yet 
Forest Canopy Density Monitoring, Using Satellite Images Alt 
Bingfang W., Qiangzi L., : 1 ; 253 Ho 
Crop Area Estimation Using Remote Sensing on Two-stage Stratified Sampling I ai 
Masuyama T., Yamamoto T., Keitarou H., Yasuda Y., 259 H.] 
GIS Approach to Landscape Evaluation Based on Small Watershed Units Ter 
Stancalie G., Catana S., Iordache A., 263 Let 
Evaluation and Monitoring of Snowcover Water Resources in Carpathian Basins Be 
Using Geographic Information and Satellite Data 
Coskun M., Musaoglu N., 268 De 
Investigation of Rainfall- Runoff Modelling of The Van Lake Catchment by 
Using Remote Sensing and GIS Integration Na 

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