Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
However, recent strong seismic events have shown that the 
seismological community is not able to collect a large amount 
of data on damage distribution for a large destructive event, 
especially if the situation is complicated for the hugeness of the 
damaged area, for the presence of large towns. 
Damag | Description Summary Example Damage to Masonry 
e Grade Buildings 
Grade 1 | Negligible to No Structural Hair-line cracks in very few 
Slight Damage. Slight walls. Fall of small pieces of 
Damage Non-Structural plaster only. Fall of loose stones 
Damage. from upper parts of buildings in 
very few cases. 
Grade 2 Moderate Slight Structural Cracks in many walls. Fall of 
Damage Damage. Moderate fairly large pieces of plaster. 
Non-Structural Partial collapse of chimneys. 
Grade 3 | Substantial Moderate Large and extensive cracks in 
to Heavy Structural Damage. | most walls. Roof tiles deta-ched. 
Damage Heavy Non- Chimney fracture at the roof line. 
Structural Damage. Failure of individual non- 
structural elements (partitions, 
gable walls). 
Grade 4 | Very Heavy Heavy Structural Serious failure of walls. Partial 
Damage Damage. Very structural failure of roofs and 
Heavy Non- floors. 
Structural Damage. 
Grade 5 | Destruction Very Heavy 
Structural Damage. 
Total or near total collapse 
Table 1 — EMS98 scale: summary of the damage grades. 
1.2 Earth Observation technology for earthquake damage 
assessment: operational and expected capabilities 
The main topic of this paper concerns the possibility of using 
optical remote sensing imagery for earthquake damage 
assessment in urban areas, either in stand-alone techniques or in 
support of the above mentioned methodologies adopted by 
reconnaissance teams operating on the field. 
The growing availability of satellite images, also at very high 
resolution (VHR), could in fact permit today to have detailed 
information about damage in a short time after earthquake and 
for extended areas. It would be especially advantageous for data 
collection in areas where access is difficult for political, 
economic or technical reasons. 
The main interest is related to the assessment of building 
vulnerability and damage; about 75% of fatalities attributable to 
earthquakes are on the other hand due to the collapse of 
buildings (Weston et al., 2003). 
Furthermore, these data could be useful for other purposes, not 
directly related to this aim: 
- in the emergency phase (search and rescue operations, 
planning and emergency services, etc.), for instance making 
available to the rescue teams the images as base maps in 
handheld GPS-GIS systems; 
- in a pre-event phase, for development of large GIS-based 
databases related to exposure and vulnerability to earthquake of 
buildings and other relevant structures, data that are often 
incomplete or out of date, and to estimate potential losses. This 
subject is moreover of great interest for the insurance and re- 
insurance industry, by reducing both the cost and time 
necessary for data acquisition. 
The research run into some general questions that will be 
briefly mentioned here, and in part discussed in deep in the next 
- different situations arise for highly developed or for 
developing countries: in the last case there is frequently a lack 
of updated maps or even of any sort of georeferenced 
information, actually hampering the adoption of some 
assessment strategies and techniques (on the other hand, direct 
intervention on the field with high surveying capacity is in 
certain cases quite impossible); 
- using pre- and post-event images or just post-event images 
could be a questionable option for this kind of analysis, but 
sometimes pre-event images are not available or too far in time 
from the event and then not reliable for this purpose; 
- VHR images show certainly the highest level of detail related 
to single buildings and small structures but the associated noise 
can be an obstacle in some procedures; 
- just some levels of damage can be detected with a good 
faithfulness (collapsed and severely damaged buildings) also in 
VHR imagery, and moreover some changes not imputable to 
earthquake can be sometimes interpreted as damages; 
- while nadir images are preferable for change detection 
algorithms, the damage could be better observed by visual 
interpretation using off-nadir imagery (building façades, ete…): 
- the effects of shadows, in particular comparing pre- and post- 
event images acquired at different day conditions, make really 
hard to carry out automated change detection procedures lying 
on the extraction of single buildings; they can furthermore hide 
the rubble around buildings. These problems are particularly 
evident for VHR imagery. On the other hand the presence or 
absence of shadows, in a pre/post event pair, is a signal of a 
building collapse; 
- image-to-image or image-to-map registration are very critical 
issues for this kind of images, sometimes constituting the major 
problem in this application; 
- data fusion must be exploited in support of damage 
assessment, for its characteristic to integrate the high geometric 
resolution of panchromatic images with the great information 
content provided by multispectral bands; integration of low, 
middle and high resolution data is also a promising approach; 
- night-time images could be in certain cases useful and provide 
valuable information about the real situation after an 
- ground data (georeferenced photos, visual reality products, 
reports, etc.) are in any case invaluable for a better damage 
- issues of timing (temporal resolution) are finally crucial, in 
particular if images are used in the emergency phase; some 
problems however still exist for a quick availability of the 
images and also about their price and their circulation. 
The challenge is to integrate or even replace visual 
interpretation of optical remote sensing images, accomplished 
by expert photo-interpreters, with automatic or semi-automatic 
classification techniques. 
A choice could be between change detection analysis using pre- 
and post-event images or interpretation of post-event images 
only by means of specifically developed algorithms to 
automatically individuate the areas subject to damage. This 
paper will mainly concentrate on the first approach. 
The research concentrated on two recent, very destructive 
earthquakes: the Marmara earthquake, Turkey, occurred in 
1999, 17 August (Magnitude Richter 7.4, about 17,100 victims 
and 25,000 injured people), and the Boumerdes earthquake, 
Algeria, occurred in 2003, May 21 (Magnitude Richter 6.8, 
about 2,300 victims and 11,000 injured people). 
The data sets selected for the study pursue the progress in 
imagery resolution due to VHR satellite constellation launch: 

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