Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
With an object-based classification, eCognition 3.0 by 
Definiens Imaging, it is possible to simulate human perception 
with classification rules. Simulation works selecting object of 
interest in the segmentation layer: in the pre-event image there 
are buildings, in the post-event image there are large damaged 
areas (hot spots of building collapsed and debris). 
The same images mentioned in the previous paragraph were 
used in this test. 
The first operation performed in eCognition is the segmentation 
of post-event image, contrary to manual classification where 
the pre-event image is segmented. The definition of object of 
interest means to choose which layer to segment. Segmentation 
of post-event image seems to be a valuable solution, because 
large damaged areas are present only on this image. 
Using scale it is possible to recognize different objects at 
different scales in the image. For instance, it is possible to 
separate urban areas using a texture value (for example object 
standard deviation) or vegetation using the NDVI index, or 
other index like in the case of ERDAS decision tree classifier. 
The level hierarchy is composed by two levels at least, the 
texture (level 3, scale 60-120) and the urban built (level 2, scale 
15-30). In the urban level, it is necessary to define how an 
object is perceived as changed. Human eye is able to recognize 
reflectance changes without considering shadows; contrariwise, 
using” image differencing techniques, an increasing in 
reflectance could happens when a building falls across a 
shadow in the other image. Thus, a sublevel of urban level 
(level 1) is created, to simulate the possibility of human eye to 
recognize reflectance in non-shadowed zones. The final level 
hierarchy structure is summarized below, in Figure 4 and in 
Table 5. 
Level | represent a classified layer of shadow and saturated 
‘objects. In fact, Quickbird imagery presents some artifacts, or 
saturated zones, that should be removed to calculate damage 
index only on meaningful pixels. 
Level 2 is the object of interest level: in this level a change 
index, such as maximum absolute difference on multispectral 
images or ratio post/pre event in panchromatic, is calculated. 
There is a hierarchical relation between this level and the level 
below: in fact, the index will be calculated only for meaningful 
pixels (not shadowed and no saturated). 
In the Level 3, with the largest scale factor, vegetation and 
texture index could be used to separate region of interest, such 
as urban areas, and to avoid vegetated area from classification. 
Large damaged areas, such as flooded areas in the Marmara 
earthquake, can be well separated on this level. 
The accuracy assessment of automatic change detection in very 
high-resolution imagery suffers from problems derived by 
geometric issues and methods of interpretation of the results, 
and is quite difficult to consider separately each question. 
Geometric problems arise from image registration, image 
resolution and off-nadir effects. Result evaluation is related to 
how the percentage is calculated, and how to take into account 
false alarms. The percentages can be calculated principally on 
two ways: in terms of total built area (and how it is determined) 
and in terms of number of buildings correctly individuated by 
the classification procedure, or missed. A building is identified 
as damaged if at less 10% of its area is classified as damaged. 
e object hierarchy 
BE level 1 
&-4 no shadow (1) 
: 1 exclude (1) 
@ no exclude (1) 
@ shadow (1) 
= level 2 
@ no urban (2) 
5-88 urban (2) 
BD shadow (2) 
E-@ no shadow (2) 
8) damage (2) 
(C) no damage (2) 
E level 3 
@ urban (3) 
> no urban (3) 
Figure 4. Object rules in eCognition, Quickbird image 
Data Set Level 1 | Level2 | Level3 
e Quick Bird 
Scale: ] 30 60 
Color, Smoothness 1 0.1, 0.0 0.1, 0.9 
e [RS 
Scale: 1 5 30 
Color, Smoothness 1 0.7,0.9 07,00 
Table 5. Multiresolution segmentation parameters 
Using object-oriented or pixel-oriented classification, results 
show some differences (Table 6). First at all, without very 
precise image registration (obtained with 2494 control points), 
pixel-based approach shows not stable results. Contrariwise, an 
object-oriented approach can detect some changes even if the 
building geometry isn't corrected, and the results shows a 
significant increasing using all control points to reduce relief 
An analysis of the percentage of correct classification of 
building damage in respect to the whole damaged area detected 
by the automatic classifier, and in particular how much 
classified damage falls into building perimeters, shows that 
“false alarms” are widespread; this fact is obviously primarily 
due to the large amount of debris laying around buildings after 
a strong earthquake. The entity of this phenomenon could be 
reduced by the availability of cartographic large-scale vector 
basemaps or by strict procedures for building classification and 
extraction. In any case the significance and the actual 
to o 

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