Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
information content of these "false alarms" should deserve 
further investigation. 
Damage NM No Damage 
re > 5 e € z 
(grade 4-5) (erae 3) (grade 0) 
e eCognition 116 CPs 
Area Based 23% 19% 91% 
Building based 58% 57% 75% 
e cCognition 2494 CPs 
Area Based 67% 84% 87% 
Building based 74% 83% 64% 
e ERDAS 116 CPs 
Area Based 33% 2% 99% 
Building based 60% 14% 49% 
e ERDAS 2494 CPs 
Area Based 25% 10% 96% 
Building based 82% 28% 55% 
Area Based 2196 42% 92% 
Building based 65% 5% 77% 
e eCognition IRS 
Area Based 28% 20% 90% 
Building based 51% 28% 83% 
Table 6. Boumerdes Earthquake: accuracy assessment results. 
This work presents some innovative approaches for 
macroseismic damage assessment on urban areas, using remote 
sensing techniques in medium and high resolution imagery. 
This assessment shows different problems in respect to ground 
survey: first of all, it is less sensitive to soft damage and suffers 
from geometric image co-registration problems. This bring 
about to an accurate quantitative assessment of 
damage for grades 3 to 5 only. Using a segmentation as an 
abstraction of building shape, it is possible to compare 
geometry of features, evidencing soft damages, reducing 
registration/interpretation errors. 
About automatic change detection, the geometric advantage of 
object-oriented classification approach is evident: since pixel- 
based classification techniques need a very precise registration 
to offer stable results, an object oriented approach, focused on 
the perception of large damaged areas, can solve, in part, the 
registration problem. 
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Earthquake of August 17, 1999. Earthquake Disaster Mitigation 
Research Center, EDM Technical Report No. 6, The Institute of 
Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Miki, Hyogo 
Eguchi, R.T., Houshmand, B., Huyck, C.K., Mansouri, B., 
Matsuoka, M., Shinozuka, M., Yamazaki, F., Ulgen, S., 2000. 
Using Advanced Technologies to Conduct Earthquake 
Reconnaissance After the 1999 Marmara Earthquake; 2nd 
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Griinthal, G. (ed.), 1998. European Macroseismic Scale 1998 
EMS-98, European Seismological Commission, Subcomm. on 
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Imprimerie Joseph Beffort, Helfent-Bertrange, Luxembourg. 
Gusella, L., 2003. Registration of multitemporal Landsat 
images: a local correlation approach, Reports on Geodesy, 
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Mucciarelli, M., Camassi, R., Gallipoli, R., 2001. Collection of 
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Kocaeli, Turkey earthquake. Seism. Res. Lett., 73, 3, pp. 325- 
Thywissen, K., Boatwright, J., 1998. Using Safety Inspection 
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Wald, D. J., Quitoriano, V., Dengler, L. A. and Dewey, J. W., 
1999. Utilization of the Internet for rapid community intensity 
maps, Seim. Res. Lett. 70, pp. 680-697. 
Weston, A-J.S., Burton, P.W., Lovett, A.A., 2003. Imagery and 
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within an Earthquake Impact Scenario: Colchester, UK. 
Workshop on the Appl. of Rem. Sens. Techn. for Disaster 
Response. Univ. of California, Irvine, Beckman Center of the 
National Academies. 
The work was financed by the PRIN Italian Research Project 
2001 "L'uso delle immagini satellitari ad alta risoluzione per le 
analisi territoriali" (Nat. Resp. Prof. S. Dequal). 

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