Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
rank the relative risk from different scenarios. These resulting 
maps should be used for the tsunami impact in relations to the 
natural environment, land use/land cover types and road 
One should not forget that a local tsunami generally produces 
run-up significantly higher than that of a distant generated 
tsunami, provided that the source earthquakes were of similar 
magnitude. Therefore, the tsunami waves may be destructive 
along the Marmara coasts of Istanbul and for shallower areas 
(x20 m). The effect of tsunami can be minimised on flat coastal 
plains (c.g. Cekmece lagoons, Ayamama, Bakirkóy, and 
Zeytinburnu) by planting tree belts between shorelines and 
areas needing protection. At Büyükcekmece lagoon and in 
small harbours or marinas, very strong currents and extensive 
damage to property may occur if the tsunami amplitude is more 
than 2m. It may also be expected loss of life in addition to 
general loss of property, if the runup exceeds 2.5 metres. 
Constructing breakwaters at harbours entrances, avoidance of 
potential areas for settlement and having streets aligned 
perpendicular to the wave advance may solve such problems. 
Our inundation mapping efforts depend upon the numerical 
tsunami modes based on the landslide and slump hazards in the 
Sea of Marmara. Such kind of models developed for tsunami 
generation, propagation and coastal amplification are not 
enough to know the maximum run-up with any certainty. On 
the basis of new marine surveys, shallow water models should 
be developed and upgraded to a better convenient faster 
accurate level. Simulation of historical events is important. 
Comparisons between simulated results and other observations 
allow the first estimation of the source energy. 
A monitoring system for acquisition of seismic signal and water 
level displacement simultaneously must be installed to 
favouring the study of the tsunami generation in a selected area. 
At least two digital mareographic stations based upon a 
submerged pressure gauge and a micróbarograph must be 
installed; one in the imrali island. 
The rises in sea level from storms at the time of an actual 
tsunami could change the run-up elevation by + 1-1.5 m from 
the mean sea level assumed in the simulation. This would also 
make significant changes in the horizontal position of the 
inundation lines. 
Narrow estuaries and straits may maintain or amplify the wave 
height of open coastal tsunamis. Wave propagation modelling 
studies are suggested for the Strait of Istanbul and the Golden 
Horn estuary. The coastal run-up is assumed to decrease inland 
in barrier-protected bays and estuaries. Experiments showed 
that a run-up is locally higher if the tsunami partially or 
completely overtops the barrier, strikes a shoreline directly 
behind the entrance to an estuary, or enters a constriction in the 
estuary. Such errors should be added to the average run-up 
value to obtain the final run-up elevation. 
In future, if any area is found to be underlain by deposits 
inferred to be from historic or prehistoric tsunamis, these areas 
should be included in the inundation boundaries we have 
defined. Since tsunamis can inundate without leaving behind a 
sediment deposit, presence of deposits was considered a good 
indication of minimum inundation. 
Authors thank to INTA SpaceTurk that supplied the IKONOS 
data of the Istanbul coasts along the Sea of Marmara. 
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2001. Historical tsunamis in the Sea of Marmara, /nternational 
Tsunami Symposium 2001 Proceedings, NOAA, Pacific Marine 
Environmental Lab., Editor(s): Eddie Bernard and Frank 
Gonzales,: U.S.A., Session 4, Number 4-2, pp. 527 - 534. 
Grilli S.T. and Watts, P., 1999. Modeling of waves generated 
by a moving submerged body; applications to underwater 
landslides. Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 23: 
pp. 645-656. 
Hills, S.G. and Mader, C.L., 1997. Tsunami produced by the 
impacts of small asteroids, Annals of the Sciences, 822, pp. 381- 
Priest, G.R., 1995. Explanation of Mapping Methods and Use of 
the Tsunami Hazard Maps of the Oregon Coast, State of 
Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Suite 
965, 800 NE Oregon St., #28 Portland, Oregon 97232, Open- 
File Report 0-95-67. 
Synolakis, C.E., Borrero, J, and Yalcmer, A.C., 2001. 
Developing inundation maps for the state of California. In : 
A.C., Yalciner, (Ed.), NATO Advanced Research Workshop. 
Underwater Ground Failures on Tsunami Generation, 
Modeling, Risk and Mitigation, Book of Abstracts, May 23-26, 
2001, Istanbul, pp. 188-192. 
Yalçiner, A.C., Alpar, B., Ózbay, i:, Altinok, Y. and Imamura, 
F., 2001. Tsunami generation and coastal amplification in the 
Sea of Marmara, NATO Advanced Research Workshop, 
Underwater Ground Failures On Tsunami Generation, 
Modeling, Risk and Mitigation, Book of Abstracts, 23-26 Mayıs 
2001, Istanbul, pp. 138-146. 
Yalçmer, A.C., Alpar, B., Altinok, Y., Özbay, |. and Imamura, 
F., 2002. Tsunamis in the Sea of Marmara: Historical 
documents for the past, models for the future, Marine Geology, 
190, pp. 445-463. 

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