ul 2004
image a
) B.Salehf^ , M.J.Valadan Zoej"
Department of Remote Sensing, Faculty of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Tehran
a : e b, N :
(salehi bahram(@yahoo.com), > (Valadanzouj(@kntu.ac.ar)
KEY WORDS: remote sensing, hyper spectral, analysis, classification, reconstruction, spectral
New sensor technology has made it possible to gather multispectral images in hundreds and potentially thousands of spectral bands, this
tremendous increase in spectral resolution should provide a wealth of detailed information, but the techniques used to analyze lower
dimensional data often perform poorly on high dimensional data. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the problem and to explore
effective approaches to hyperspectral data analysis. Studies indicate that the key problem is to need very large number of labeled samples.
It has been found that the conventional approaches can be retained if a preprocessing stage is established.
Dimension reduction is a preprocessing stage that brings data from a high order dimension to a low order dimension. Some stochastic -
based techniques are used for dimension reduction such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Discriminant Analysis Feature
Extraction (DAFE) and Decision Boundary Feature Extraction (DBFE).But these techniques have some restrictions. For example PCA is
computationally expensive and does not eliminate anomalies that can be seen at one arbitrary band; the number of training samples is
usually not enough to prevent singularity or yield a good covariance estimate in DBFE.
Spectral data reduction using Automatic Wavelet Decomposition could be useful because it preserves the distinction among spectral
signatures. It is also computed in automatic fashion and can filter data anomalies. This is due to the intrinsic properties of Wavelet
Transform that preserve high and low frequency feature therefore preserving peaks and valleys found in typical spectra. Compared to
PCA, for the same level of data reduction this paper shows that automatic wavelet reduction yields better or comparable classification
1. INTRODUCTION declines as the number of spectral bands increases, which is
often referred to as the Hughes phenomenon (Hughes, 1968), as
Multispectral sensors have been widely used to observe Earth shown in figure 1.
surface since the 1960's. However, traditional sensors can only
collect spectral data less than 20 bands due to the limitation of
sensor technology. In recent years, spectral image sensors have
been improved so as to collect spectral data in several hundred
bands, which are called hyperspectral image scanners. For
example, the AVIRIS scanners developed by NASA JPL
provide 224 contiguous spectral channels (Hsu, ParHui, 2000).
Theoretically, using hyperspectral images should increase our
abilities in classifying land use/cover types. However, the data
classification approach that has been successfully applied to
multispectral data in the past is not as effective for
hyperspectral data as well (Hsieh and Landgrebe, /998).
As the dimensionality of the feature space increases subject to
the number of bands, the number of training samples needed
Mean Recognition Accuracy
Measurement Complexit n [total discrete value)
for image classification has to increase too. Fukunaga (1989) Figurel. Mean recognition accuracy vs. measurement of
proved that the required number of training samples is linearly complexity for the finite training cases ( Houghes, 1968)
related to the dimensionality for a linear classifier and to the
square of dimensionality for a quadratic classifier. It has been One of the approaches to improve the classification
estimated that as the number of dimensions increases the performance is to reduce dimensionality via a preprocessing
training samples size need to increases exponentially in order to method, which takes into consideration high dimensional
have an effective estimate of the multivariate densities needed spaces properties. Dimension reduction is the transformation
to perform a non-parametric classification. If training samples that brings data from a high order dimension to a low order
are insufficient for the need, which is quite common for the dimension, similar to lossy compression method, dimension
case of using hyperspectral data, parameter estimation becomes reduction reduced the size of the data but unlike compression,
inaccurate. The classification accuracy first grows and then dimension reduction is applicant-driven (Kaewpijit et a/, 2003)