Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Deforestation/Regrowth event (Cyclic). Qualitative statements, 
made by photo-interpreters, about photographic quality or the 
general misclassification of an area were also noted. 
The photo-interpreter then selected 20% of the photographs for 
the map sheet (two photos if 10 were available for a map sheet) 
for the purpose of Quality Assurance (QA). The photos 
selected were to be typical of the map sheet evaluated and/or be 
somewhat difficult to interpret due to topography, sparseness or 
height of vegetation, spectral characteristics, etc. A different 
photo-interpreter then independently re-interpreted the photos 
used for QA using a different set of 40 randomly generated 
points. If the general conclusion for both photographs was the 
same — i.e., there was/was not a potential problem with the 
classification of the area covered by the photograph — results for 
the map sheet were communicated to the Australian 
Greenhouse Office. If the general conclusion was not the same, 
the reason for the differences was determined, and the photos 
reinterpreted by both photo-interpreters. In using such a QA 
procedure, a reasonable level of confidence was attributed to 
the general conclusion for a map sheet. 
Results for each photograph were tabulated and then 
summarised by map sheet to provide an indication of the quality 
of the change map for a given map sheet and results were then 
summarised by state and for all of Australia (Jones et al., 2004). 
3.1 Results and Discussion 
The aim of the continuous improvement protocol is to provide a 
methodology that evaluates the general problems in change map 
classification, and / or assesses if there are any problems with 
specific regions or strata. Presented here are the results for the 
state of Tasmania and Australia as a whole (Lowell ef a/., 2003; 
Jones ef al, 2004). Tables 1 and 2 describe the photo- 
interpretation relative to the change classification. Table 3 
provides temporal, or lineage, information. The first point of 
note is that few sample points fall into the Regrowth and 
Deforestation change map classes. In an assessment of 
*change" this may, at first, seem inappropriate. However, it is 
in reality of limited concern. Change (Regrowth / 
Deforestation) represents a difference in "state" (Forest / Non- 
Forest) between sequential images. An ability to determine the 
reliability of “state” for a single image will implicitly provide 
reliable “change” determination and vice versa. For example, if 
it is known that the amount of Forest is overestimated for all 
years, then the amount of Deforestation is likely to be 
Overall the classification for Australia (Table 1) is reasonably 
good. What was classified as Forest was definitely wrong for 
only 2% of the total Forest verification points. Non-Forest, 
Regrowth and Deforestation returned results with definite error 
rates of 4%, 10% and 9% respectively. Probably and definitely 
wrong error rates for forest are higher at 6%, whilst the average 
probably and definitely wrong error rates for all classes is 
around 12%. It is inappropriate to interpret this information as 
a determination of change maps being “accurate/inaccurate.” In 
an absolute sense, one could argue that the classification is 
“good” since 93% of the Forest points are at least probably 
correctly classified and only 2% are definitely wrong. It is 
more difficult to argue that the classification is “bad” because 
only 66% of the Forest pixels are definitely correctly classified, 
since the uncertainty of “probably” correct is potentially 
attributable to the aerial photograph analysis and not the change 
mapping. The indefinite categorization “probably” is used to 
highlight areas of doubt in the image classification and possibly 
in the photo-interpretation, and where further data should be 
sought to determine the correctness of the classification. This 
provides an important guide to continuous improvement rather 
than only producing a verification statement. 
In Tasmania (Table 2) the image classification accuracy is not 
Total Points DF PF . U PNF DNF %Def. Wrong %Prob.+ Wrong %Prob.+ Right %Def. Right 
Forest 5085 3380 1365 31 209 100 V2 6 93 66 
Non-forest 7318 282 847 88 1186 4915 4 15 83 67 
Regrowth 105 38 49 1 6. «411 10 16 83 36 
Deforestation 56 5 8 0 E32 9 23 77 57 
Total 12564 3705 2269 120 1412 5058 3 12 87 67 
Table 1 Australia: Tabulation of sample point results by change class (36 map sheets) 
Total Points DF PF U PNF DNF %Def. Wrong %Prob.+ Wrong %Prob.+ Right %Def. Right 
Forest 277 152 15793 04823 9 3 12 88 55 
Non-forest 83 2 2 9.42 . «37 2 5 95 45 
Regrowth 3 0 2 0 0 1 33 33 67 0 
Deforestation 5 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 100 60 
Total 368 548 377 24 229 444 3 10 90 52 
Table 2 Tasmania Tabulation of sample point results by change class (one map sheet — nine aerial photos) 
Tasmania | Lineage Class! 
Total Points 368 270 25 54 7 12 
% of Total Points 100 73 7 15 2 3 
Definite Errors 12 8 2 0 1 1 
% of Total Definite Errors 100 67 17 0 8 8 
'Lineage classes: FT — Forest Throughout, NFT — Non-Forest Throughout, DEF — Deforestation, REG — Regrowth, CYC — Cyclic. 
Table 3 Tasmania Lineage information 
mean % definite error forest / non-forest classes 
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Figure 2 C

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