Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 200- 
In the case of method vegetation index comparison especially 
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amplitude estimated the principals changing in deltas 
environment, using the HRV SPOT data. The result accuracy is 
directly conditioned by applied methods. 
The post-classification comparison is advantageously because 
minimised the effects, which arise dues different acquiring 
images data. If the classification of used images enough 
accuracy, good results of change-detection are obtained. In this 
context mode type filtering technique prove to be adequately 
for accuracy improving. The threshold value of mode filters 
must be choosing to suppress one maximum pixel number due 
to noise or inadequate classification. KEY 
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Inland Wetland Change-detection in the Everglades Water 
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Remote Sensing, 10 (6), pp 989-1003. : | satellite 
| photogra 
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