Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
23 E s. E 
Figure 6. Change detection using two images within a time 
lapse of 10 years. Bright details are subject of change 
If we assume that two points taken into consideration are 
independent and their specific accuracy is different, the relative 
position error can be calculated from the square sum of the two 
values for the positional accuracy: 
4.2 Classification data error 
Another source of error is the thematic classification of data. 
A method to empirically assess the classification accuracy is to 
select several classes and to compare them with the reference 
data. Reference data is usually named “ground truth”. By 
comparing the data sets, the percentage of the pixels correctly 
classified can be estimated. 
From every class representative pixels are selected and 
compared to the reference data. 
A statistical approach of this problem is to select random pixels 
from the thematic map and to compare them to the reference 
data. Here, the main impediment is that large classes have the 
tendency to be represented by a larger number of points and the 
small classes may be not represented at all. The solution to this 
problem could be the stratified random sampling, in this case, a 
set of strata are predefined and the random sampling is carried 
out in each of these collections. A regular grid can be used or a 
random selection of pixels in each class, in order to assess the 
class accuracy. A confusion matrix will result. 
(Van Genderen, 1982) and (Rosenfield,1978) have, along with 
others, determined guidelines for the minimum sample size. 
The estimated accuracy for a class can be calculated (Freund, 
Xx — nà 
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x= number of correct identified pixels, n= total number of pixels 
in the sample, 6= the map accuracy, (1-a)= a confidence limit, 
imposed by the analyst. 
The remote sensing characteristics that affect the change 
assessment accuracy are: temporal, spectral and spatial 
resolution, look angle. 
In order to perform accurate change analysis, the data must be 
acquired at approximate the same time of the day and at 
significant calendar dates regarding the environmental changes 
that are under observation. 
If data used to detect changes are from the sensors with the 
same IFOV (Instantaneous Field of View), it is easy to register 
the two data sets. Geometric rectification algorithms can be 
used to register the images to a standard map projection (most 
of the available software and maps are in UTM but for the 
specific case of Romania, a Stereographic 1970 map projection 
is necessary- for this, standard datum and standard geoid is 
4.3 Environmental considerations 
To obtain robust change detection, some environmental factors 
and variables must be taken into consideration, such as 
atmospheric conditions, soil characteristics, vegetation cycles, 
hydrologic cycles and others. Most of the environmental 
features are extremely dynamic, in most of the cases the 
temporal resolution of remote sensed data cannot cover the 
dynamic domain of the environmental parameters evolution 
(atmospheric conditions, soil moisture, other environmental 
related phenomena). The atmospheric effect can be corrected 
with specific path radiance atmospheric correction models or an 
image-to-image normalization method. 
Many factors, related to the specific phonological characteristics 
of the vegetation canopy must be taken into consideration. 
Attention must be given to differences in the phenological state 
of different varieties of the same species and the time the data 
sets were acquired . Meteorological aspects and the hydrologic 
regime of the area along with the agricultural work schedule are 
important aspects when change detection analysis is performed. 
Depending of the meteorological conditions, the river network 
of the studied area can suffer changes and thus affect the soil 
humidity conditions. These aspects are predictible if we have 
appropriate geomorphologic analysis is and soil quality is 
assessed for the zone in study. 
5. Image processing and change detection 
In order to obtain environmental changes information, once we 
selected the appropriate data and classification scheme, special 
radiometric and geometric corrections must be applied, 
followed by change detection and classification techniques, 
creation of thematic products and finally the error assessment. 
Image normalization reduces the pixel brightness variations. 
Using simple regression equations between the brightness 
values of radiometric normalization targets in the base scene 
and the scene to be normalized can perform image 
Ground targets that spectrally invariant in the two images can be 
used to normalize multitemporale data sets to a single reference 
scene. The acceptance criteria for radiometric normalization are 
(Eckhardt, 1990): 
The target must be at the same elevation, must contain as little 
vegetation as possible the terrain must be as flat as possible, the 
scene features must remain unchanged in both scenes. 
This method calculates the additive term (path radiance 
correction) from a constant (D) and then obtains the 
multiplicative factor: 
EA Lh 2. Aref 
COS Op ref 
M = 
1 (3) 
COS O0norm| —z— Anorm 
C - Dre — (Dnorm)- (M) 
where: 1/A= Radiance interval of brightness value, C= additive 
correction, 057 solar zenith angle, ES= Earth-Sun distance, 
Ref= reference scene, Norm= scene to be normalized, D= dark 
normalization target of brightness value. This approach ignores 
differences in atmospheric attenuation and phase angle between 
data sets. The radiation received is dependent of the relative 
orientation of the terrain from the Sun. All these methods 
require a DEM (Digital Terrain Model).The DEM and the 
image was registered and resample to the same spatial 
resolution as images. And then the value for each pixel is 
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