Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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The spatial registration of a remote sensed image to a map 
projection is necessary in order to locate with precision the 
changes occurred in the studied zone. Geocoded images are 
directly available from data distributors but additional 
registration must be necessary for zones with complex terrain 
configuration and when DEM used by data suppliers are not of 
confidence. A good way to perform geocoding was to measure 
ground control point in the field with GPS and use this data set 
to calculate the correct rectification. The ground control points 
are permanent, static features in the field and easily identifiable 
on the image. 
The most used algorithms for change detection are (Jensen): 
- Change Detection Using Write Function Memory Insertion. 
This is an analog method for qualitatively assessing the changes 
in a region and do not provide quantitative information of the 
changes occurred. 
- Multi Date Composite Image Change Detection. Multiple data 
sets are inregistred to a single database. This composite data set 
can be used to extract information by  unsupervised 
classification techniques with a result of a class with change and 
a class with no change. Another method is the principal 
component analysis. 
- Image Algebra Change Detection (Band Rationing and Band 
Differencing). Subtracting an image from the other one 
performs image differencing. The result is formed by positive 
and negative values in areas of radiance change: 
Dj = BVijg (1)- BV (2) € (4) 
Where: Dj, change value pixel, BV;(1)= brightens value at 
time 1, BV;;(2)= brightens value at time 2, C= constant used to 
transform the negative or positive results in positive results 
(normally the results are ranging in the interval —250 to 250) 
i= line number, j=column number, k= band number. 
The essential aspect of this process is the threshold selection of 
boundaries between change/no change zones. 
5.1. Spectral Change Vector Analysis 
Areas with changes have a different spectral response. The 
vector describing the direction and the amplitude of the change 
from image 1 to image 2 is the spectral change vector. The total 
change/pixel (CMpixe1) in n-dimension spectral space is : 
a 2 
CM pixel = D le Vik(date2) - 8 Vik(dater)| (5) 
where: BV;ik(date2). ïjk(date1) = Pixel values for date 1 and date 2 in 
band k . 
5.2. Change detection error matrix 
In order to assess the accuracy of the change detection 
procedures is recommended to generate an error matrix. The 
columns of an error matrix contain the reference data and the 
rows represent the results of the remote sensed classified data. 
This is an effective way to represent accuracy of each classified 
category : 
The error matrix is a multidimensional table, its cells contain 
change data from a category to another. The statistical approach 
of the accuracy assessment consists of different multivariate 
stastitical analysis. À used measure is KAPPA (Cohen, 1960). 
KAPPA is designed to compare results from different regions or 
different classifications. 
The KHAT statistic is: 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
n n 
N EX X(X;*X,;) 
K = {=1 [zl (6) 
NZ T(x; x ;) 
[+ +/ 
where n is the number of rows in the matrix, X;=number of 
observations in the row i and column I, X;.= the marginal totals 
of row i and column I, N=total number of observations. 
Change detection is an important tool for environmental studies, 
assessing the accuracy of change detection products is an 
important step for the integration of remote sensed data to 
environmental management system as a decision support tool. 
In assessing environmental changes based on remote sensed 
data, the major impediment is that the estimate values are 
difficult to compute due to the complexity of the processes 
involved and more often the reference data is not available for 
computing accuracy. A specific attention must be given to 
different methodologies to detect changes and error matrix 
construction, as a function of change susceptibility of the 
studied area. 
In order to improve results in change detection several aspects 
must be considered: 
A budget of the sedimentary regime is needed; The 
shoreline topometry at several time interval, with the same 
precision of the measurements in order to obtain a dynamic 2D- 
3D model of the region to determine substrate variability and 
change detection at spatial and temporal scales of high 
resolution. It is also important to know parameters and 
boundary conditions controlling coastal evolution and geologic 
framework such as tectonics, sea-level movements, storm and 
other changes in sediment source and paleogeography; Constant 
in situ observations, correlated with remote sense data 
acquisition. In the space of two decades, application of this 
methodology of investigation allowed a better understanding of 
the coastal line evolution trends greatly improved understanding 
of the coastal zone dynamics. 
Eckhardt,A. 1990, Automated Update of an Irrigated Lands 
GIS Using SPOT HRV Imagery- Photogrammetric Ingineering 
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Fisher, P.H. et al. 1962, The Ordering of multitemporal Fuzzy 
Land Cover Information Derived from Landsat MSS Data. 
Freund E.J.,1962, Mathematical Statistics, Englewood Cliffs, 
N.J. Prentice Hall . 
Jensen, J.R. et al. 1987,Improved Remote Sensing and GIS 
Reliability Diagrams, Image Genealogy Diagrams and Thematic 
Map Legends to Enhance Communication- International 
Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 
6(B6): pp.125-132. 
Kohrram S.,1999, Accuracy assessment of remote sensing- 
Derived Change Detection- ASPRS. 
Richards A. John,1986, Remote Sensing Digital Image 
analysis- An Introduction- ed. Springer- Verlag . 
Ripple W.J.,1994, The GIS Application Book- Examples in 
natural resources, a compendium- ASPRS. 
Rosenfield G.H.,1982, Sampling for the thematic map accuracy 
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Van Gendren J.L.,1978, Remote Sensing: Statistical Testing of 
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Acknowledgements Authors thanks the CRUTA team 
for help and support 

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