Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
radiance units (point B) is a point where all the relationships 
converge except the all-state relationship. Despite their 
divergence at high radiance values, all models would produce 
similar results if the input values were between these points. 
The results show that the US Census and BEA relationships 
are markedly different from those of the other three 
aggregation schemes. More importantly, it also shows that the 
overall state-level relationship is most similar to these 
simulated aggregation schemes and not to those of the 
conventional US regions. This has important implications for 
extending this technique to areas that have only one level of 
sub-national data. 
4000000 = ; Imc 
$8 3500000 
= 30000 ec 
= 3000000 E. 
= 2500000 T 
= "ms A 
$ 2000000 A e oz US census 
x 1500000 4 BEA 
S 1000000 Alphabet 
a A 
a 500000 + latitude 
2 ; Rank 
o 0+ 
a —— AIl States 
-500000 T T T T 1 
0 1E+07 2E+07 3E+07 4E+07 5E+07 
Radiance (W.cm^-2.um^-1.sr^-1) 
Figure 3. Comparison of different relationships derived from 
the five aggregation schemes displayed in Figure 1. 
Taking these points into consideration it is suggested that the 
US has a number of regional sub-economies, hence the high 
intra-regional correlation coefficients of the US Census and 
BEA divisions. However, the regions themselves vary greatly 
and bear little relationship to each other. This is not to say that 
there is no general nationwide correlation. The reason why the 
intra-regional correlation is so poor for the ranked states may 
relate back to the nature of the individual regional economies. 
Assembling regions by ranking states puts the most 
economically productive states (California, Texas, Florida, 
Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York) together. 
However, they apparently bear little resemblance to each other. 
This trend continues for each group of states. BEA (and US 
Census) regions by contrast usually consist of one dominant 
state and a number of less economically productive satellite 
states. Working down the list of states, each BEA region 
generally has a good mix of members from each group of 
(ranked) states. The exceptions are the Plains and Mideast 
regions which contain Ohio and Illinois, and New York and 
Pennsylvania respectively, and conversely the Rocky Mountain 
region, which has no member from the most economically 
active group of states. However, when viewed in totality their 
component states fit a single nationwide model albeit with two 
outliers (New York and California). Many countries anlaysed 
also exhibited one or two regions which did not fit the general 
model for the rest of the country. 
Spain provides an interesting example of how an outlying point 
can affect its parent regions. The relationships derived at each 
NUTS level were found to vary more than any other country. 
The gradient becomes progressively shallower as larger areas 
are considered in the analysis ranging through y = 0.069%, 
0.059x and 0.056x for NUTS levels-3, 2 and 1 respectively. 
These values are for relationships constrained to run through 
the origin and include the outlying points, whose effect 
becomes less influential as the spatial units become larger in 
size. The generally good correlation in Figure 4 masks much of 
the detail. Despite the standard deviation of the GRP/radiance 
quotients being relatively low compared to other countries 
analysed the individual NUTS-3 zones have been combined in 
such a way as to result in vastly different relationships at 
different NUTS levels and confuse the base-level correlation. 
(C10^- 10 WW /cm^2/um/sr) 
* xit Madrid + 
; ME. à p 
Re GË og das 
p ^ {a M J 
r. Fok : : ICs y^ 
j Y hima ert 3 E 5 Este 
Y aie TT 
d Lu P ; X * 
why ¥ 
Ee Nas 
n* M 
100 ü 100 200 300 Kilometres 
250000 4 
y =0.0539x 
ges R? = 0.8767 EX 
P d à NUTS-1 
2 150000 : [Este E 
= NUTS-2 : 
E a 
= 100000 4 Catalunya + NUT 
© Madrid £ A 4| Este minus Barcelona 
Barcelona & 
m e uat 
50000 x 
o4 | : A 
a 1000000 2000000 3000000 4000000 5000000 
Radiance (W.cm^-2.um^-1.sr^-1) 
Figure 4. Night-time lights of Spain with its NUTS-3 
boundaries and total radiance — GRP scatterplot. The 
relationship is based on NUTS-3 points only, excluding 
Barcelona and Madrid. The NUTS-1 regions of Madrid and 
Este are outlined in black on the map. Catalufia lies within the 
region of Este and is outlined in brown (n=40). 
The NUTS-3 area of Barcelona is far more radiant than other 
NUTS-3 regions and is observed to be an outlier. The capital, 
Madrid is a NUTS-1 region and is about one third brighter 
than Barcelona. Barcelona is part of Cataluña, which is itself 
part of the Este NUTS-1 region. The other regions of Este have 
anomalously low GRP for the total radiance in the region. 
Barcelona dominates this region to such an extent that not only 
does it pull its NUTS-2 point away from the trendline but it 
has also pulled its NUTS-1 point towards it. In fact, it is only 
due to the presence of Barcelona in the region that its NUTS-1 
point is anywhere near the regression line. Its position without 
Barcelona's contribution is also shown in Figure 4. In this 
case, due to the magnitude of these modifiable areal unit 
effects, it is most prudent to just use the original NUTS-3 
relationship and treat Barcelona and Madrid as separate 
outliers. This is the relationship displayed on the graph in 

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