Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

! 2004 
«er ational Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Figure.3: GLI 1km 16-day NDVI composite (Right, Atmospherically Corrected), 
and GLI 250m NDVI (Left, Atmospherically Uncorrected) 
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Atmospherically Uncorrected  Atmospherically Uncorrected — Atmospherically Uncorrected 
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Atmospherically Corrected Atmospherically Corrected Atmospherically Corrected 
Ch.5(Blue) Ch.13(Red) Ch.19(NIR) 
Figure.4: Satellite Zenith Angle vs. Atmosperically Uncorrected/Corrected Reflectance 
on GLI 1km 16-day VGI(NDVI,EVI) composite 
Figure.5: GLI 1km 16-day Atmospherically Corrected NDVI/EVI composite 
(Apr. 7, 2003.-Apr. 22,2003.) 

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