Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
The evaluation of these parameters has been made on 
representative areas from the three great structural-functional 
areas of the big city (central area, middle-intermediary area, 
peripheral area) where homogeneous areas were determined, in 
urban land cover, depending on the radiometric average values. 
By cumulating the data and reporting them to the existing 
environmental quality standards we established the categories of 
the environment quality and delimited, in a preliminary form, 
the areas corresponding to these categories. The drawing of area 
limits and the editing of the map were achieved using ArcInfo. 
In order to apply the above method we focused on just one of 
the six sectors of the city of Bucharest — sector 1 — this sector 
presenting a great diversity of aspects (Figure 1). The map of 
environmental quality that we obtained in this way must be 
perfected by consulting topographical plans, aerial photographs 
and live observations, consequently becoming a reliable 
document in the project studies of urban remodeling. The 
satellite image and the thematic derived map shall be included 
in GIS, a modern instrument indispensable to improving the 
management of Bucharest’s urban and metropolitan area. 
3.1. The quality of the natural elements 
The quality of each natural element is essential in determining 
the sanitation of the urban environment. The analysis of high 
resolution satellite maps makes it possible to represent in broad 
lines the situation of air pollution and the condition of 
oxygenated areas (parks, squares, lakes, canals) with the 
possibility of calculating some important parameters concerning 
- identifying air-pollution sources and reporting them to the 
important constructed areas and green areas by 
correlating them with the direction and the characteristics 
of the winds (Figure 2). 
Figure 2. A big residential district is under the influence of air 
pollution from an industrial zone 
- determining and mapping the areas and lines of severe 
air-pollution (chemical, micro-biological, phonic). These 
correspond to the big central arteries and intersections 
with extremely agglomerated traffic, the traffic axis 
parallel to Dämbovita canal, the boulevards that make up 
the inner circulation ring and especially the great 
intersections on the axis north-south (Pietei Libere 
Square, Victoriei Square, Charles de Gaulle Square, 
Romanä Square, Universitätii Square, Unirii Square etc.). 
From the analysis of IKONOS images we can approximate the 
degree of air pollution caused by the gases emitted by cars (CO, 
SO», NO, etc.) in a certain place (for instance, a big intersection 
in the central area) by calculating the traffic intensity: we make 
an inventory of the number of cars represented in the respective 
intersection by the satellite images, we give 15 seconds to each 
car for going through the intersection and we obtain the number 
of cars passing through the intersection during an hour through 
the place under consideration and knowing the composition of 
gases emitted by a car we can approximate their concentration 
for 1 hour, for 24 hours etc. 
For instance on the basis of the satellite image in Universitätii 
Square we made an inventory of 103 cars. Given the calculation 
basis we have proposed it results that every minute 412 cars go 
through the intersection and in an hour 12360 traverse the 
crossroads (considering that 30 minutes per hour represent 
overall car stop time) (Figure 3). This situation refers to the 
most intense traffic period of the day, between 7.00 a.m. — 7.00 
p.m. These cars produce in this square over 3 times the CO 
maximum admissible concentration. 
Figure 3. A possible evaluation of the pollution degree based on 
traffic intensity in a determined place such as University Square 
(Piata Universitatii), viewed from a satellite image. 
- the repartition of oxygenated areas (especially of green areas) 
and their relation to residential areas 
The analysis of the IKONOS image allows us to calculate the 
parameters concerning green areas reported to the entire city, to 
sectors or to constructed areas: the weight of green areas, the 
surface of green areas per inhabitant. These data are reported to 
the standard values for an urban environment that would be 
optimal from an ecological point of view (25-4 m°/ inhabitant: 
25 m/ inhabitant — ideal; 4 m?/ inhabitant = minimum 
admissible for the great metropolis ; WHO recommends 50 m?/ 
inhabitant). These values lay at the basis of the definition and 
delimitation of the quality areas in the urban environment. The 

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