Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
Sector 1, Bucharest, covers the geographical and historical 
center of the city and the area towards the north of the city, on 
both sides of the major axis north-south. It comprises areas of 
the three main structural-functional zones: the central zone, 
whose main function are the services and which has the aspect 
of a modern metropolis; the intermediary zone, having mainly a 
residential function and keeping aspects of the traditional town; 
the peripheral zone, with multiple functions (residential, of 
recreation, industrial etc.). 
Urban Environment: 
- Very Good 
[TT] - Good 
(TTT) - Middling 
[MI] - Precarious 
EZ] - Street Network 
E - Railway 
E - Sector Limit 
Figure 6. The urban environment quality from the first sector of 
Bucharest drawn after analyzing IKONOS image 
On the IKONOS image we can notice these three main zones, 
differentiated from the point of view of the environment. Within 
them there are smaller areas having different degrees of 
ecological quality (Figure 6). This is how we have obtained the 
thematic map representing the territorial variation of urban 
environment quality in the sector under analysis. 
Satellite images with spatial and spectral high resolution have a 
large potential for obtaining detailed geometric data and for 
realizing the land cover classification for the urban areas. 
The analysis of the IKONOS image of the Bucharest (2001) 
through corroborating several ecological criteria and several 
parameters has allowed us to establish the environmental quality 
categories and to map the corresponding areas. 
By visual interpretation we have realized: 
l. the image classification aimed to determine the land 
cover classes based on the spectral properties of the 
urban components (buildings, green and water areas); 
2. the mapping and measuring of the green surfaces, 
building density, of the pollution sources and affected 
Following those steps we have defined four urban quality 
classes and we have realized the thematic map of the sector 1 of 
the Bucharest, which was our field application. 
The outcome results can represent an information source for 
updating the General Urban Development Plan of Bucharest. 
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ville de Casablanca. In: Bulletin- SFPT No. 144, Société 
Francaise de Photogrammetrie et Télédétection, pp. 11-12. 
Loghin, V., 2003. The use of spatial images in the projects of 
urban development for Bucharest. In : Challenges in Geospatial 
Analysis, Integration and Visualization, ISPRS IV Joint 
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products for monitoring of urban dynamics. In: Geoinformation 
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Netherlands, pp. 505-509. 
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Millpress, Rotterdam, Netherlands, pp. 237-244. 

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