Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

ay, it 
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| 8:56 
| (fig.4 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
isp g 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 
Hemisphere RGB Image louds Detection 
Sky Index EE TI 
Figure 5. RGB, Sky Index and Clouds detection images 
The clouds detection image was generated by the definition that 
the values of less than 0.23 show clouds area. The grey scale 
shows the brightness of clouds (the darker area shows the 
brighter cloud). Comparing with both RGB and clouds 
detection images, it shows the clear extraction of clouds area. 
4.2 Cloud distribution and cloud cover 
After generating the clouds detection images, the grid surfaces 
of the zenith and the direction angles are overlaid in order to 
visualize the cloud distribution. Figure 6 illustrates examples of 
cloud distributions on hemisphere coordinates with sun orbit on 
7* of February, 2003. 
Hemisphere Coordinates 
24 Directions / 10deg. Int. 
of Zenith angles 
c) 13:17 
Figure 6. Cloud distributions on hemisphere coordinates 
Furthermore, the results of cloud cover estimations were 0.55, 
0.40 and 0.64 for a) 10:45, b) 11:54 and c) 13:17 in fig.6 
respectively. According to the cloud distribution of fig. 6 a), the 
detected clouds are distributed almost eastern half side and near 
the horizon of western side, it looks cloud cover is more than 
0.6 or 0.7, but estimated cloud cover is 0.55. This is represented 
efficiently about the cosine correction of zenith angle. We also 
can recognize different pattern of cloud and distributions from 
Figure 6 visually. 
Clouds have directly the strong impact to the solar radiation 
environment. Accordingly, understanding the cloud condition is 
indispensable for estimating global radiation consists of direct, 
defuse and reflected radiations. We have observed cloud 
conditions in whole sky in order to grasp cloud distribution an 
estimate cloud covers in short time interval. In this paper, the 
whole sky observation and the methods how to detect clouds 
area from hemisphere imageries üsing commercial digital 
camera and estimate cloud cover based on image analysis. 
Results of this study will be useful for automatic estimation of 
cloud cover and visualization of cloud distribution at the real 
As the continuous works, we will examine how cloud cover and 
distributions influence to global radiation. Furthermore we will 
set more than two observation sites in order to estimate cloud 
volume and spatial distribution of clouds in regional area. 
Charles N. Long and Thomas P. Ackerman. 2000. 
Identification of clear skies from broadband pyranometer 
measuremsnts and calculation of downwelling shortwave clouds 
effects. Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol.105, No. D12, 
Gabriela Seiz, Emmanuel P. Baltsavias, and Armin Gruen., 
2002. Cloud Mapping from the Ground: Use of Photgrammetric 
Methods. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 
Vol.68, No.9, pp.941-951. 
Nakashizuka T., Lee H. S., Chong L., 2001. Studies on canopy 
processes of a tropical rain forest in Lambir Hills National Park. 
Proceedings of the International Symposium, Canopy Process 
and Ecological Roles of Tropical Rain Forest, Miri, Malaysia, 
Yoshimura M., Yamashita M., 2001. Multi-scale approach for 
rainforest environment monitoring by remote sensing / GIS/ 
direct measurements — towards virtual field construction -. 
Proceedings of the International Symposium, Canopy Processes 
and Ecological Roles of Tropical Rain Forests, Miri, Malaysia, 
Oshita K., 2000. OP Fisheye-NIKKOR 10mm F5.6, Nikon Web 
(Japanese only) 

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