International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
6.9E 6.92E 6.94E Another difference with radar interferometry is the fact that
optical correlation provides us with the two horizontal V
components of the motion, whereas interferometry only i
provides us with the motion projection along the line of sight. n
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Figure 5: Total horizontal displacement map,
23 August/18 September 2003
If we compare the optical images correlation technique with
radar interferometry, for the monitoring of glaciers surface
motion, we can notice some similarities: being both based on
space images, they potentially cover the whole area of
interest, and provide complete maps of measurement instead
of point measurement, which is a key issue for global
monitoring. They also share the same limitation: both are
limited by the surface temporal coherence loss. Note that this
temporal coherence loss is only a few days for INSAR and a
few months for optical images of glaciers.
But there are major differences between the two techniques:
it may be difficult or even impossible to measure large terrain
movement by interferometry because, one fringe representing
half the wavelength of displacement -2.8 cm in the case of
ERS and Envisat-, the number of fringes in the interferogram
can rapidly become very high, making unwrapping
impossible. In the case of optical image correlation, the
measurement is proportional to the image resolution. For
example, a Sm glacier motion will represent 178 fringes
(impossible to unwrap) in the interferogram, whereas it will
appear as a 2 pixels offset (easy to measure) if we correlate
two 2.5m resolution optical images. However, the resolution
of the optical images is a key factor, because the accuracy of
our measurement is directly proportional to the image
resolution, which is not the case in interferometry where the
accuracy is proportional to the wavelength, in all cases
around the centimeter (Massonnet, 1998).
A displacement along the track, for example, would never be
measurable in interferometry.
Our methodology has been developed on glaciers but its field
of application is much wider. Any geophysical phenomena,
which signature is a surface horizontal terrain displacement,
on a scale compatible with the satellite image resolution and
spatial coverage, is a potential candidate for the method,
provided the geophysical event does not make the surface
totally losing its coherence.
In particular, the same methodology can be applied to the
measurement of other earth surface movements such as
landslides or earthquakes.
This work, still ongoing, seems very promising for glacier
surface motion monitoring. Acquiring regularly high
resolution images on glaciers, one can expect being able to
follow, year after year, the variation of their velocities.
Images should better be acquired during the summer, snow
falls being a problem because they induce coherence losses.
The interest of glacier monitoring from space images is high,
if one considers the difficulty of field campaigns in such a
harsh mountainous environment. Regular acquisitions should
be programmed, if one considers the probability of cloud
coverage and the problem of coherence loss on long time
periods for such surfaces.
We have explained the general methodology applied for
displacement computation, and we have shown preliminary
results on the Alps. The same methodology might directly be
applied to glaciers from other mountain ranges. Future work
will consist into trying to extract other useful information,
such as ablation values.
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