Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
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Figure 3. Lichen relevés were carried out at 1-12 randomly 
selected collecting sites 
At each of the 12 collecting sites, lichen relevés were carried 
out on three different substrates, i.e. trees, rocks and soil - 
representing all major lichen substrates which could be affected 
by changes of the agricultural and forestry management. 
For relevés on trees the nearest tree within the border of the 
sampling plot was selected and for relevés on rocks, the nearest 
saxicolous object within the border of the sampling plot was 
selected (for both starting from the center of a collecting site). 
For relevés on soil in the center of each collecting site a 
frequency grid of 50 x 40 cm mesh size 10 cm) was placed on 
the ground. For each lichen species the number of unit areas (10 
x 10 em) where the species occurred was counted (a value 
ranging from 1 to 20. Since delimitation of individuals is often 
difficult or even not possible in lichens, we used the number of 
occupied unit areas as abundance measure. 
As the calibration data set every second sampling plot was 
chosen. The remaining 48 sampling plots served as reference 
data set. 
2.2.2 Calibration data: In order to calibrate our model of 
prediction of species richness we tried to find biological / 
ecological meaningful features as explanatory variables. For 
this purpose we used original and derived spectral and spatial 
information of airborne remote sensing data. 
Six digital CIR orthoimages of the years 1999 and 2001 served 
as the basis for this study. Each orthoimage covers an area of 
approx. 2 square kilometers. The scale of 1:10'000 provides a 
ground resolution of 0.3 m. Each image offers three color bands 
of numerical information with 256 intensity levels: visible 
green (500-600 nm), visible red (600-700 nm) and near infrared 
(750-1000 nm). Additionally to the original spectral and spatial 
information several derivatives of the CIR orthoimages were 
calculated. For our approach we decided to extract derivatives 
both using standard methods and additional expert knowledge. 
Furthermore we used a digital terrain model with a spatial 
resolution of 25 m (DHM25 O 2003 Bundesamt für 
Landestopographie, DV 455.2) and digital surface models 
(DSM). A spatial resolution of 0.5 m was chosen for all data 
sets used in this study. 
To assess and categorize the contribution of ecological 
meaningful variables to the model we decided to distinguish 
between two levels of detail. Ist level variables provide 
information of. spatial heterogeneity, spectral reflection, 
absorption and transmission, chlorophyll content and above- 
ground phytomass of vegetation cover. This implies simple 
image processing methods (standard methods) of the CIR 
orthoimages, and was performed without additional expert 
, 847 
knowledge, e.g. 
(red, green, NIR) 
of biologists. In addition to the three original 
several new variables were 
generated using both spatial and spectral information within a 
moving window of different sizes. The wider the window, the 
more these new variables tend to reflect features of the 
landscape. The window size of 6x6 pixels turned out to be the 
most adequate. Table 1 lists all variables applied in this study. 
ID Name Comments 
1" level variables 
Mean, majority, 
minority, sum of: 
1-3 Red, green, NIR original channels of CIR 
4 Ratiol Channel green / Channel (red + 
5 Ratio2 Channel red / Channel (green + 
6 Ratio3 Channel NIR / Channel (red + 
7-9 Variance red, returns variance in a moving 
green, NIR window 
10-12 Skewness returns skewness in a moving 
13-15 Contrast red, returns contrast in a moving 
green, NIR window 
16 Vegetation Index NIR - red 
17 NDVI NIR - red / NIR + red 
2" level 
18-20 Fraction of land forest, non-forest, non-vegetation 
cover (3 classes) 
21-29 Fraction of land forest, grassland light, grassland 
cover (9 classes) dark, rock&gravel&soil, sealed 
surface, single trees & hedges, 
shadows, wetlands, water bodies 
Table 1. A total of 29 explanatory variables were derived 
On the 2nd level, new variables based on Ist level variables 
were built using expert knowledge and field experiences. To 
meet these requirements, new image processing techniques 
were applied to produce homogenous objects and well defined 
object edges. Two land cover classifications were performed: 1) 
a simple classification only distinguishing between forest, non- 
forest and non-vegetation and 2) a more detailed classification 
distinguishing nine land cover classes, representing the three 
lichen substrates of the field survey: 1. forest, 2. grassland light 
(mown and intensively used), 3. grassland dark (unmown and 
not intensively used), 4. rock & gravel & bare soil, 5. sealed 
surface, 6. single trees & hedges, 7. shadows, 8. wetlands and 9. 
water bodies. For this classification an object-oriented approach 
was applied. The method is based on hierarchical segmentation 
not only of the CIR orthoimages but also of their derivatives 
(Baatz and Schápe 1999). 
To summarize, we produced a total of 29 explanatory variables 
for the model. 17 of them were allocated to 1st level variables, 
mainly based on simple reflection values of the three channels 
of the CIR orthoimages as well as on spatial information. The 
remaining 12 were allocated to the 2nd level variables. 
Finally, in accordance with the lichen relevés that are 
representative for a 56 m circle, for each variable the sum of 
values was calculated within a 56 m radius circle for each of the 
96 sampling plots. This was performed using a moving window 
approach - in our case a moving circle (see fig. 4). 

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