Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
disasters on such countries are more severe and longer-lasting, 
compared to countries that are economically better off, where 
greater investment is made in preparedness and losses are 
predominantly financial, especially for settlement of insurance 
claims, and related to property and infrastructure damage. 
During the past decades, significant progress has been made in 
the scientific understanding of the various planetary 
phenomena, in the atmosphere, on the land and in the oceans. 
Space systems and technologies are making important 
contributions to this understanding. Many events that were 
previously perceived as erratic and inevitably fatal, such as 
volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis and ocean storms, 
among others, are now much better known for their causes and 
effects, and their manifestation is becoming more and more 
Space systems provide a global perspective. They are excellent 
tools to observe and monitor natural disasters and to help model 
their evolution. They also have the unique capability of 
allowing multi-scale observation of an area hit by disaster, from 
synoptic viewing to localised assessment, thus facilitating the 
activities of the authorities involved in disaster relief and 
recovery. The benefits that space systems can provide should 
consequently be extended to the humanity as a whole, and 
should not remain limited to a privileged few in the technology 
affording nations. A clear advantage was therefore seen in the 
initiative that folloved UNISPACE III in the field of disaster 
management, for both the advanced countries that offer space- 
based tools and technologies as well as for the less developed 
states that are least prepared to cope with disasters on their own. 
2. Introduction 
The CCF co-chairs of the Action Team followed a three-year 
workplan in a phased approach to fulfill the Action Team 
mandate of carrying out studies and analysis and proposing a 
scheme for a global disaster mitigation and management system 
or systems that would fully utilize existing resources. The 
Action Team conducted its business through regular plenary 
sessions and task-oriented working groups. In addition, the 
CCF co-chairs held frequent discussions by means of 
conference calls and meetings and with the complete support of 
the Office of Outer Space Affairs (OOSA). The following is an 
account of the activities undertaken to gather the necessary 
material and information on which to base the Action Team's 
findings and recommendations. 
2.2 Survey of Needs, Capacities and Systems 
The main challenge for the U.N. Action Team was to relate 
information on available space technologies to the needs of the 
user communities, which had a varying degree of experience in, 
and knowledge of, these technologies. ^ A broad-based 
consultative process was launched in order to collect 
information on the needs of the countries for managing disasters 
and on the resources available to meet the needs. The Action 
Team conducted a global survey on user needs and national 
capacities, using customized forms. The Action Team also 
compiled an inventory of existing space systems that had 
capabilities believed to be relevant to disaster management. 
Based on the responses to the surveys received, the usefulness 
or adequacy of the available space technologies for disaster 
management could be assessed. The results of the surveys and 
the subsequent analysis are described below. 
2.2.1 User Needs: The replies to the survey covered a wide 
variety of disasters, from floods and ocean storms to forest fires 
and droughts. The user needs in terms of spatial and temporal 
information and the responsibility centre varies from disaster to 
disaster. For example, in the case of floods and fires, the main 
spatial information need is about the extent of the affected area, 
whereas in regard to earthquakes, the priority spatial 
information need for planning is basically associated with the 
assessment of land use and urbanization. For a technological 
disaster like oil spills, the most important information by far is 
the location and extent of the oil slick and the rate of its 
displacement. The ground resolution requirement would vary 
depending on the observation target, whether it is the 
submerged infrastructure (10m) or the flood map (20-30m). For 
forest fires likewise, the critical ground resolution needs range 
from 10 m or less for infrastructure and buildings and 100-300 
m for burnt or forested area. The spatial resolution in the case 
of ice hazard is 100 m for detection and 50 m for 
characterization of sea and lake ice; a resolution of 30 m is 
required for tracking a beset vessel. The detection of drought 
conditions could be made on the scale of 30 m in the case of 
farmland and up to 500 m for a landcover map. The temporal 
resolution for this disaster ranges from days and months to 
years, more in line with forecasting and prevention, than for 
disasters like forest fires and floods, when the information 
turnaround should be within hours. A field office is the most 
important responsibility centre for fast evolving disasters like 
floods and forest fires. The responsibility for action in the 
event of an earthquake lies with decision makers, rescue 
workers and insurance sector at the local level. 
2.2.2 National Capacity: Only a few respondents could 
identify a designated disaster management authority in their 
country. In most cases, the authority is ill-defined or spread 
over administrative and vocational boundaries. One of the main 
obstacles to the use of space-derived information is the delay in 
information dissemination. Many countries do not have access 
to fast transmission devices, nor do they have the space data 
processing and fusion capabilities. Geographical information 
and cartographic databases necessary for reporting the space- 
based data is also at a variable state of development in the 
surveyed countries. The need for a comprehensive international 
training program, both at the level of experts and the level of 
field officers, was widely recognized in the survey. The results 
of the survey indicated that the number of people to be trained 
would be in the order of 500 at the expert level and no less than 
5,000 at the filed officer level. In summary, countries can be 
grouped into three categories in terms of the national capacity 
for using space information: The more developed nations 
increasingly concerned with national security issues; countries 
having some capacity but where the progress is slow because of 
funding problems; and a vast majority of the remaining 
countries for which space applications are still to find use. 

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