Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
P,, P, P,, Pa, are polynomials of maximum 3? degree (78 
c c 
parameters to be estimated) whose equations are (2) o (3): 
PAX. Y, Zy=a, va X +a ral va. X + 
fa Xve va Yi Zxa YZ +n, 2 
mm M 
PUCYZ-Y*SaXYz (3) 
i=0 j=0 k=0 
0<m <3;0<m, <3; 0<m, <3 € m +m, +M, $3 
Equations (1) are known in literature as RFM Upward. 
1.1 Neural Network Model 
Neural Network (NN) approach for geometric calibration 
purposes of remote sensing images can be considered an 
innovative and experimental solution. NN are mathematical 
models which simulate brain dynamics. Computational scheme 
can be thought as a flow of distributed information which are 
elaborated within computational node called "neurons" of the 
NN. Some of them (input) receive data from the external world , 
some give back information to it (output), some other simply 
communicate each other (hidden). Neurons are mathematically 
represented by weights, parameters of the model, which have to 
be estimated on the basis of the GCP through an iterative 
learning process. As far as this work is concerned the developed 
orthocorrection procedure is based on an opportunely designed 
Multi Layer Perceptron (MLP) NN. This type of NN has been 
chosen for its function approximation and estimation features. It 
shows its high suitability especially for non linear functions as 
considered relations are. Basic idea is to substitute the upward 
projecting model relating image (En) and ground (X,Y,Z) 
coordinate with a well designed and trained MLP NN. NN 
architecture is the one shown in Figure 4. The most appropriate 
number of neurons has to be defined time to time according to 
the number of GCPs and image type. Only an expert user can 
successfully control it. Indications for the best architecture can 
be derived from RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) analysis. The 
NN approach is quite sensible to the initialization of the weights 
of the neurons. 
bla = = 
Xp * b, 2 
| / E yg QN 
Á rp "nfi apt à > 
«(zy- - i b 
* b, 
Figure 3 - MLP NN mathematical model with 2 
computational layer (hidden e output), for the 
orthocorrection problem. 
The methodology for geometric correction on MIVIS images 
have passed through different tests, entirely performed on 
MIVIS 1 image. The obtained results were then analyzed from a 
quantitative and a qualitative point of view to appraise the 
characteristics of the used methods. The method that guarantees 
the best performances has been therefore employed for the 
MIVIS 2 image. This way it allowed the mosaic of MIVIS 1 
and 2 images. 
3.1 GCPs and CPs individualization 
GCPs and CPs have been collected on the MIVIS images using 
both a true colour composite (10-6-1 or 13-7-1) and a single 
band where a better contrast was necessary. Reference map has 
been the official orthoimages. 
Trying to maintain GCPs and CPs well distributed over the 
image has been an hard task due to the strength of the original 
image distortions and to the extended presence of wooded areas. 
Finally, 72 GCPs and 10 CPs have been collected. 
3.2 GCPs and CPS elevation extraction 
Image coordinates (&,77) and planimetric terrain coordinates 
(X,Y) of GCPs and CPs derived from official orthoimages, have 
been completed with the elevation data Z extracted from the 
available DEM. 
Attainable accuracy in such operation strictly depends on DEM 
grid dimensions In this case it is certainly too high considering 
the mountain test area . In fact, the portion of territory referring 
to a single cell 50 m x 50 m wide is characterized by a strongly 
varying height which cannot be properly represented by the 
univocal value assigned to that cell within the DEM. 
To partially solve this problem, the DEM has been resampled to 
a geometric resolution of 10 m, but tests have demonstrated that 
this operation does not guarantee a better final result. That's 
why it has been decided to use for all the performed tests the 
original DEM. 
3.3 MIVIS 1 image geometric correction 
The followings geometric correction tests have been performed 
on MIVISI image : 
- Series 1: RFM method with 20 coefficients varying the 
number of GCPs: 39, 50, 61, 72; 
- Series 2: method based on the NN with 72 GCPs and 10 CPs 
varying the number of nodes of the hidden layer (from a 
minimum of 3 to a maximum of 13): 
- Series 3: method based on the NN with 10 nodes varying the 
number of GCPs: 39, 50, 61, 72. 
In order to simplify the correction procedure, all the tests have 
been carried out on three spectral bands out of 102 (bands 10-6- 
1 were chosen since they produce a good true colour image), 
using the nearest neighbour resampling method in order 
minimize image radiometric degradation. Orthoimages 
geometric resolution has been set equal to 4m as suggested 
considering the flight height. 
3.4 Quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results. 
The errors achieved, in terms of RMS and residuals on the 
GCPs and CPs, for every previous tests allow to proceed to a 
quantitative analysis of the results in order to appraise and 

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