Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
compare, depending on each study images, the characteristics 
and potentialities of the two geometric correction methods. 
Particular attention is paid to the following items: 
- increasing the number of parameters that define each method 
(number of polynomial coefficients for the RFM, number of 
nodes of the hidden layer for the NN) the GCPs errors should 
decrease (see figure 4); 
- increasing the same parameters, the maximum or the minimum 
difference among the errors on the GCPs and CPs represents an 
index of the smaller or higher generalization capability of the 
model (defined as its ability to return correct outputs from 
different input based on the transformation parameters between 
image and object coordinates (see figure 4); 
- considering a model with good generalization capability, the 
residuals on the CPs should be higher than those on the GCPs 
(see figure 4); 
- the mean residuals along & and n directions should be null: if 
not, it’s possible to hypothesize the presence of a systematic 
error in the data and/or in the used correction algorithm; 
The results from the quantitative study, based on the previous 
criterions, must be confirmed by a qualitative analysis, that 
should verify that: 
- the orthocorrected image should not present anomalous 
behaviours as discontinuity or asymptote; 
- residuals should be maintained constant on the entire image, 
also in the areas where the GCPs are not present; this can be 
done through transparency overlapping, the correspondence of 
the corrected MIVIS image with the reference map. 
modello non generalizzante_ 
- T^ modello generalizzante. 
numero parametri 
Figure 4 - Relationship between RMS on GCPs and RMS on 
CPs when evaluating the generalization capacity of the applied 
. . 2 . ~ 
At last, a statistic ^ test has been carried out on the GCPs 
residuals for some of the tests elaborated with RFM and NN 
methods. This has permitted to verify their adaptation to the 
expected normal distribution. The test consists in calculating the 
2 A . 
X^ parameter for the residuals and comparing the obtained 
value with the theoretical one derived from the defined tables 
according to the correct degree of freedom and to the chosen 
~ ‘ 2 ; 
level of confidence. If the obtained y^ is smaller than the 
theoretical one the test is positive, therefore the residuals 
distribution can be considered to be a normal one. If not it is 
possible to hypothesize the presence of some systematic 
3.5 Series 1 results analysis 
Series 1 tests best results, for the RFM method, have been 
obtained using a number of coefficients equal to 20. It is 
therefore. possible to think of maintaining such configuration to 
appraise the characteristics of the model when varying the 
number N of GCPs as shown in table 3. 
REM 20 coeff. 10 CPs 
(cell n.) 
number (cell n.) (cell n.) 
GCPs| CPs | GCPs| CPs | GCPs | CPs 
39 1,85 518 | 3,41 4,14 | 3,88 | 6,63 
50 1,07 | 4,19 1,70 | 289 | 2,06 | 5.09 
61 2,17 | 4,09 1,91 289 | 2:39 1 5,01 
72 556 | 396 | 200-| 250 591 468 
mean Res, mean Res, 
(cell n.) (cell n.) 
GCPs | CPs | GCPs | CPs | GCPs | CPs 
39 -0,02 | 0,49 | -0,02 | -0,05 | 3,28 | 6,16 
50 -0,01 | -0,69 | -0,02 | -0,05 | 1,74 | 4,18 
61 0,01 1,59 | -0.01 | 0,07 | 2,44 | 4,42 
72 -0,61 1.19 ] -0,01 | 0.15 13,13 [405 
mean Res 
GCPs (cell n.) 
Table 3 — RMS errors and mean residuals for Serie 2 tests. 
Best results are in correspondence of N=61, but it is possible to 
conclude that RFM method does not seem to be particularly 
sensitive to the variation of GPC number. 
However the good numerical results are not confirmed by the 
qualitative analysis of the corrected images as shown below. 
| 39GCPs 50GCPs | 
| 61 GCPs 72 GCPs 
Figure 5 - Geometric correction tests results on MIVIS 1 
image by RFM with 20 coefficients when increasing the 
number of GCPs. 
As far as tests performed with the NN approach (table 4) are 
concerned it is possible to notice that: 
I. the RMS error of the GCPs and CPs decreases as the number 
of nodes increases, both in direction & and 1 reaching a stable 
value in correspondence of 7 nodes; 
2. the RMS of the CPs remain similar as the ones on the GCPs; 
3. the worst behaviour is not obvious along & for the RFM 
4. the mean residuals along & and n direction are null for the 
GCPs, while for the CPs, even though not reaching elevated 
values, they are slightly away from zero. 

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