Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
1.2 Potential for a new approach 
The limitations of previous methods call for the evaluation of 
novel spectral analytical approaches. Within laboratory 
spectroscopy methods for decomposing spectra and modelling 
component absorption features have recently emerged which 
hold considerable promise for quantifying plant pigments. One 
approach that appears to be particularly appropriate is wavelet 
analysis (WA). 
WA was developed independently in several scientific fields 
but interchanges between these during the last decade have led 
to a diverse range of applications of this signal processing 
technique. The potential of WA in image processing has been 
recognised with new techniques in image compression, 
classification, archiving and enhancement. Recent studies in 
laboratory spectroscopy have shown that WA offers several 
advantages over previous spectral approaches. Wavelets are 
functions that satisfy certain mathematical requirements and are 
used in representing data or other functions. Approximation 
using superposition of functions is the basis of Fourier Analysis 
(FA), however, in WA data is processed data at different scales 
or resolutions. Observing a spectrum through a large ‘window’ 
identifies gross features and through a small ‘window’ small 
features. The sines and cosines of FA are, by definition, non- 
local and poor at approximating spectra with sharp 
discontinuities (such as vegetation reflectance). WA is able to 
use more appropriate functions to capture local spectral features 
as it can decompose into components that are well localised in 
both time and frequency domains, while FA can only 
characterise frequency information (Strang and Nguyen, 1996). 
WA of a spectrum yields a vector of wavelet coefficients that 
are assigned to different frequency bands. Each band expands 
over the complete wavelength domain and responds to a certain 
frequency range of the spectrum. By selecting appropriate 
wavelet coefficients a spectral model can be established by 
regression of the coefficients against component chemical 
WA was initially applied in laboratory spectroscopy for 
quantifying glucose concentrations in solutions of varying 
protein (present in larger quantities with more dominant 
absorption features than glucose) and temperature (McNulty 
and Mauze, 1998). The results were comparable to Partial Least 
Squares regression (PLS) when calibration and prediction data 
sets contained the same protein concentration, but WA 
outperformed PLS when protein concentrations differed. The 
study highlighted the potential of WA to quantify 
concentrations based on localised absorption features from a 
mixture of compounds and that the approach is extendible 
beyond the calibration data set. It also showed how appropriate 
wavelet basis functions (or ‘mother wavelets’) can be selected 
from the multitude available based the correspondence between 
their shape and that of absorption features of components of 
interest, this gives the procedure a sound physical basis and 
chemical (pigment) specificity. The ability of WA to remove 
the effects of background spectral variation when quantifying 
concentrations of components with fine absorption from 
mixtures has also been demonstrated (Mittermayr ef al., 2001). 
This offers potential for removing the effects of broader 
absorption features from the narrower features of specific 
pigments and for dealing with factors which affect broader 
regions of vegetation reflectance spectra such as leaf or canopy 
structure and soil/litter response. Importantly, the resilience of 
WA to low frequency background noise can be tuned by 
choosing the appropriate number of vanishing moments in the 
wavelets and WA can deal with difficult situation where 
background varies between calibration and prediction data sets 
(Mittermayr et al., 2001). Furthermore, due to the localisation 
of wavelets, the wavelet coefficient can be chosen by chemical 
knowledge, e.g. the position and width of absorption bands. 
Conversely chemical knowledge can be discovered by selecting 
wavelet coefficients according to statistical measures (e.g. 
correlation, prediction errors etc.) and the localisation of 
coefficients indicate wavelength regions related to the analyte 
under investigation (Mittermayr er al, 2001). This is important 
in the context of plant pigments which display differing 
absorption spectra in vivo and in vitro. 
Further evidence of the robustness of the approach is provided 
by spectroscopic studies that have used WA to remove 
background signals, noise and specular reflectance to produce 
accurate estimates of chemical concentrations by preserving 
fine spectral features of components, unlike other 
filtering/smoothing algorithms which attenuate and distort the 
absorption features of interest (Cai et al., 2001). The capacity of 
WA for noise suppression and insensitivity to background 
spectral variations has recently been exploited in quantitative 
remote sensing for the extraction of significant spectral features 
in AVIRIS data for vegetation type discrimination and the 
selection of width of smoothing and operator used for 
calculating spectral derivatives (Bruce and Li, 2001). Moreover, 
work on the classification of canopy reflectance spectra to 
discriminate crops and weeds has shown that WA is accurate 
and robust with respect to variations in % canopy cover and 
soil/litter properties (Huang er al., 2001). 
1.3 Aims 
The work reported in this paper forms part of a wider project 
aimed at developing a generic technique for quantifying 
vegetation pigment concentrations from hyperspectral 
remotely-sensed data. Specifically, the research will investigate 
the ability of WA to provide a method that is able to determine 
accurately Chl a and b, and Cars. 
The initial evaluation reported here, focussed on the application 
of WA to data sets collected by the author for previously 
published research — thereby facilitating a comparison with 
previous spectral approaches. 
2.1 Data sets used 
The data sets used were acquired using a common set of 
principles. Reflectance spectra of leaves and canopies were 
acquired with a spectroradiometer then immediately after the 
pigment determinations were conducted by extraction using an 
organic solvent followed by spectrophotometric analysis. In the 
case of canopies, pigment concentrations obtained from leaf 
samples were scaled up to the canopy level using leaf area 
index data collected in situ. The vegetation types used were 
broadleaved deciduous tree leaves (and stacks thereof) at 
various stages of senescence (see Blackburn, 1998a + 1999), 
bracken canopies (Blackburn, 1998b) and matorrral bushland 
canopies (Blackburn and Steele, 1999). Details of the methods 
and instrumentation used can be found in these papers. 

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