International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004
b, 5 C
193 dX
E INA ete Q
Y D, n,
go D, D;
POP, » dx,
— th P', P,
POP, ; >| dx n
P. ?.
Figure 2. Constrained matching in POPs
Constrained matching in POPs will be described in detail in the
following. Figure 2 depicts the situation for a pair of POPs,
with POP, being the reference image. The object point is shown
in its initial position (Q). During the iterative adjustment
procedure, the object point is shifted by the vector dX, until its
final position Ó on the true DTM is found (intermediate
positions are not shown here). Least-squares matching is
performed in the POPs, with the template centered on the fixed
point P in the reference image. The matching window is
moving in POP», centered on the approximate position (P). In
each iteration step, the object point is projected into the POPs
using the intersection method described in Section 2.2.1. As
long as no consistent solution is found, the projected points P',
and P', will not coincide with the matched positions B, and
(P5). To achieve this, the following geometric constraints must
be added to the MPCM system for each image:
(x,)+Ax, =x,
+ dx, (6)
P * Ay, = Y, T dy x
where: (x, ) ... approximated position in the POP image
Ax, ... LSM translation parameter
cu ... projected object point in the POP
dx... shift of the projected point due to an object
point shift (see Equation (3)).
For the reference image the LSM shift parameters are set to
zero, which forces the object point to lie on the projection ray
defined by b,- As the tangential plane is fixed at this point, the
geometric constraint is strict and the projected point will
already coincide after the first iteration. The fixed ray and the
basis vector 5,; define the epipolar plane £5.
In the second image, the point (P,) is shifted by the LSM
process. The normal vector m; defining the tangential plane
must therefore be recalculated in each iteration. As (D;)
converges towards /),, the intersection becomes more and
more accurate. Thus, the solution for D’, will be strict in the
final position. The intersection line of the tangential plane with
the epipolar plane £;» defines the epipolar line in object space.
Applying the geometric constraint (6) to the second image
forces the matched point to lie on the tangent line of the
epipolar curve at point Pr
As described above, the implementation of the epipolar
constraint is done by adding geometric constraints for each
image to the MPCM system. Inserting Equation (3) into (6)
gives the modified geometric constraint for POPs. The
constraints are introduced to the MPCM system as pseudo-
observations with a certain weight as follows:
|. 0G; 2 2
(x) 74, T9 = 9 dX 96€ v +26. “A.
OX oY 0X A {D
06; 0G? 0G?
y, )~y, +v] = —t-dX + —-dY + ——-dZ — Ay
(y,) 2 3x JY c IN ( Y»
2.2.3 Introducing the flow constraint
As already mentioned in Section 2.1.3, additional constraints
applied to the object coordinates can be introduced in a multi-
temporal MPCM system. This means, that the flow vector
f, -Q,-Q,can be constrained to a certain direction/length
obtained from a specific flow model.
As rock glacier flow is known to be driven mainly by gravity,
the displacement will follow more or less the gradient direction
of the DTM. In the reference epoch the gradient g, of the rough
DTM is calculated at position Q,. For a second epoch, the flow
constraint f et = () can be formulated.
Because the Z-component is considered to be less accurate, the
flow constraint will only be applied to the X- and Y-
components of the flow vector. After linearization with respect
to the object point coordinates the flow constraint can be
introduced to the MPCM system as a pseudo-observation: 4v, 2-(dX,- dX,):g! *(daY, -dY,):g; (9
Depending on the weight selected, the flow constraint will be
more or less strict, which must be controlled by the user. If the
weight chosen is too high, matching will fail, because of errors
contained in the flow model. Applied with a suitable weight,
however, the flow constraint will automatically exclude false
matches from the measured flow vector field.
In this Chapter a detailed description of the new matching
algorithm implemented in the ADVM 2.0 software has been
provided. The following Chapter will present a case study of à
rock glacier monitoring project performed with ADVM.