Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
3.1. Classification accuracy of training and validation data 
The trained ANNs were applied to classify the training data and 
validation data of the training site. For both data sets overall 
accuracies of the same magnitude were achieved for all 
networks, independent of the number of hidden nodes. 
Additionally the overall accuracies were found to be 
comparable to the accuracies of the Maximum Likelihood 
classification. The overall accuracies ranged from 57% to 
77.4% for the training data and from 55.2% to 76.1% for the 
validation data of the training site of all ANNs. The highest 
overall accuracy of the validation data of the training site was 
76.1%. This showed that the ANNs had resulted in a high 
generalisation ability, enabling them to classify unseen data of 
the same area as the training data to a high accuracy. On the 
other hand the choice of random weights influenced the 
performance of the neural networks more strongly than the 
choice of hidden nodes (Figure 2 and 3). Differences in 
accuracy of up to 15% of both training and validation data 
(ANN F vs. ANN G) were found between ANNs consisting of 
different initialising weights (Figure 2). Therefore different sets 
of random weights should be applied to each ANN within one 
study to determine the optimal ANN for the application. 
Overall accuracy of 5-11-8 ANNs 
B C D E F G | K L 
@ Training data i Validation data Set of random weights 
Overall accuracy (95) 
f T 1 1 1 
YU UTE : | 1 
Figure 2. Overall classification accuracy of training (blue) and 
validation (red) data of the training site for the ANN consisting 
of 11 hidden nodes. 
3.2. Overall accuracy of the classification of the remote site 
The trained ANNs were applied to pixels from the remote site to 
investigate the ability of the ANNs to classify unseen data. The 
data of the remote site consisted of 384 mixed and unmixed 
pixels, being of similar vegetation cover, but had not been 
integrated in the training process. The averaged overall 
accuracy of the remote site data for the three different ANN 
designs was 21.6% (11), 19.1% (28) and 21.7%% (12 hidden 
nodes) (Figure 3). This showed a significant decrease in 
classification accuracy. The highest overall accuracy of the 
transferability data was 27.3% for a ANN (ANN G) consisting 
28 hidden nodes. However even the highest accuracy of the 
remote site data achieved was far below expectations, indicating 
a poor classification performance. The generalisation and 
knowledge of the ANN gained at the training site was not 
sufficient to classify pixels of a remote part of the image. 
Modifications and improvements of the ANN classification 
were therefore required. 
Overall accuracy of 8 class-ANNs 
10000 re to 
80 00% reden i tel Min eim treo act at i e e e te A e m d Aq 
70.00% = 
60.00% |- 
30.00% ff 
20.00% | | 
Overall accuracy (%) 
5-11-8 ANN 5-12-8 ANN 5-28-8 ANN 
ANN design 
El Training data (average) 
0 Remote data (average) 
li Validation data (average) 
D Remote data (Maximum) 
Figure 3. Averaged overall classification accuracy of training 
(blue), validation (brown), remote site (yellow) data and 
maximum overall classification (turquoise) for the remote site 
data (light blue), shown for all ANN designs. 
3.3. Adding a geographical label to the data 
The ANN training process was repeated but with modifications 
of the training data. Some pixels of the remote site (156 pixels) 
were integrated in the training process, but being much lower in 
number than the original training data. ^ Additionally a 
geographical label was added as input band referring to the test 
site of the pixel. The label of 1 was given to pixels of the 
training site and 2 to pixels of the remote site. All ANNs were 
retrained, partly consisting of a new number of hidden nodes 
depending on the 6 input bands, applying again early stopping. 
The overall accuracy of the training and validation data of the 
training site was similar to the accuracies of the original training 
process. The averaged overall accuracy ranged between 31.6% 
and 78% for the training data and between 33.3% and 74.9% for 
the validation data (Figure 4). 
Overall accuracy of 8 class-ANNs trained with labels of 
geographical location 
__ 60.00% 
50.000% | 
40.000% + 
30.000% E 
20.0004 | 15 A. : : 
10.000% +4 | Dis t [- 
0.0009, L—— E Nu E 
61384NN — ANN design 6:208 ANN 
ii Validation data orig. (average) 
O Transferability data all (average) 
© Transferability data labelled (max.) 
Overall accuracy 
@ Training data (average) 
0 Transferability data orig. (average) 
| Transferability data labelled (average) 
Figure 4. Averaged overall accuracy of the training (blue), 
validation (brown), original remote site (yellow) data and 
averaged accuracy (red) and maximum overall accuracy (green) 
of remote site data, when training data included geographical 
A big improvement in classification accuracy was however 
found for pixels of the remote test site. The overall accuracy of 
the remote site ranged between 25.1% and 65.3% for the ANNs 
trained with a geographical label. The highest accuracy of all 
three ANN designs, being 64.9% (13 hidden nodes) and 65.3% 
(28 hidden nodes), which was of the same magnitude as the 
overall accuracy of the validation data of the training site. The 
overall classification accuracies achieved using a geographical 
label were of the same magnitude as other remote sensing 

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