Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
=» | unsupervised classification layer based on the NDVI 
» | averaged annual rainfall data layer from the [sraeli 
Meteorological Service; 
= | soil types layer from the GIS of the Ministry of 
Agriculture of Israel; and 
= 1 land use layer from the Israeli National GIS. 
Sensor Image date 
10-Nov-96; 14-Feb-97; 19-April- 
Landsat TM 97: 21-May-97; 22-Jun-97 
panchromati 20-Jun-96 
Table 1. Images available to study area. 
3.22  Hierarchic representation 
The GSA makes it possible to use evidence, which may apply 
not only to a single hypothesis (e.g., sunflower), but also to sets 
of hypotheses (e.g., sunflower, cotton), that together comprise a 
concept of interest (e.g., summer crops). A specific KBS 
hierarchic representation should relate to semantic affinity 
between classes, and to indicative information which can be 
obtained from the database sources. Figure 1 displays the 
hierarchic representation of crop types and their generalized 
super-classes. It can be inferred from the tree that there are only 
9 final classes (underlined): other (non-vegetated formations), 
mixed natural vegetation, shrubs/forests, citrus, wheat, legume, 
other crops, cotton, and sunflower. Each relates to different 
number of super-classes. 
p bm 
Other Vegetation 
[5 | 
Cultivated Natural vegetation 
Crops Citrus 
Summer crops Winter crops 
1 1 
= 1 T r 1 
Sunflower Cotton Other Legume Wheat 
Forest/Shrubs Mixed 
Figure 2: Hierarchic tree representation of land-cover/use 
and crop types. 
3.2.3 Rule base Formation 
In general terms, a rule here represents the support value m 
given to a hypothesis A, assuming that indicators X, Y, Z are 
if X and Y and Z and... then A with m 
Rule base formation involves learning the relationships between 
potential indicators and object classes (potential hypotheses). 
The learning process was conducted through analysis of domain 
literature and interviews with experts from the Ministry of 
Agriculture. The results of this process were used to learn 
growth rates of crop types, optimal environmental conditions 
for crop growth in the various climatic areas of Israel, and the 
effects of environmental modifications on crop growth rate and 
quality. In addition, field survey plots were used to learn how 
growth rates and quality are reflected in imagery data. This was 
achieved by both visual interpretation and GIS analysis. Rules 
were related to all classes from all levels. Indications of various 
kinds and with various affinities (support values) were found, 
and selection was applied in order to exclude indications with 
poor affinity. In terms of support values, only indications with 
more than 50% support were included. The resulting rule-based 
composition demonstrates the priority given to imagery data, as 
90% of the rules included imagery indicators. In addition, 20% 
of the rules utilized soil type properties, 20% used precipitation 
properties, and 13% used INGIS land-use information. 
The KBS generates two outputs for each pixel: its recognition 
class and its CBV. The present section will describes 
classification results and the CBV distribution separately. 
4.1 Classification results 
Assessment of the confusion matrix for an US classification is 
most important, since it indicates the locations of phenological 
conflicts between crop types and thus facilitates assessment of 
the resolved and unresolved confusion introduced by using the 
KBS. Application of the US ISODATA classification yielded 
good results for four crop categories and very poor results for 
orchards, shrubs and mixed natural vegetation categories (Table 
2). These results demonstrate the high information content in 
the NDVI phenologies (Cohen and Shoshany, 2002). 
Reference sun: nd 
dass) wheat legume cotton flower orchards shrubs vl 
wheat 77.8% 8.9% 0.5% 3.4% 1.6% 
legume 4.0% 72.2% 4.7% 6.0% 28.3% 
cotton 99.7% 5.6% 0.6% 1.1% 0.1% 
sunflower 91.3% 0.3% 0.6% 0.0% 
orchards 1.7% 65.0% 32.0% 0.4% 
shrubs 3.5% 28.9% 12.2% 
nat. veg 7.1% 5.5% 1.7% 3.6% 30.4% 
other crop 3.1% 0.9% 1.8% 
other 9.3% 13.3% 0.3% 22.8% 226% 2% 
Reliability 87.1% 67.4% 94.0% 98.8% 55.7% 81.4% 42.6% 
No. of pixels 9529 7058 9315 7653 10897 7085 3890 
Table 2: Confusion Matrix of US Classification. 
Reference» sun nat 
Classi wheat legume cotton flower orchards shrubs veg 
wheat 89.9% 7.9% * 3.9% 0.3% 3.5% 
legume 64% 91.3% 2.5% 02% 06% 
cotton 99.7% 5.6% 0.9% 0.2% 0.1% 
sunflower 91.3% 0.6% 
orchards 3.296 77.0% 05% 03 
shrubs 1.5% 80.6% 1,3% 
nat. veg 0.3% 14% 820% 
other crop 3.1% 1.4% 
other 25% 08% 0.3% 12.0% 167% ons 
Reliability 88.0% 87.5% 94.6% 99.1% 96.0% 96.3% 96.1 
No. of pixels 9529 7058 9315 7653 10897 7085 3890 
Table 3: Confusion Matrix of KBS Classification. 
The recognition achieved by applying the GSA is best 
characterized by the following principle cases: 
= Considerably better recognition of legume, orchards, shrubs 
and natural vegetation; 
= Considerably better distinction between winter crops and 
natural vegetation; 
1» Better distinction between orchards areas and shrubs; 
= Bef 
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