Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
linguistic variables, labels and the corresponding membership 
functions for the fuzzy region growing process are given in 
Table 1. 
As an example, suppose that a building with its nearby tree in 
the object space is extracted and classified as a single 3D 
object. This inevitable miss classification, is revised by the 
fuzzy based region growing in the image space. After the fuzzy 
based consistency check, the region is subdivided into two 
uniformly varying sections and subsequently will be treated as 
two different objects. 
2.2 Recognition 
As mentioned above, our recognition strategy is based on the 
concept of information fusion. These descriptors are important 
elements for a comprehensive recognition process and they 
need to be fed simultaneously into the recognition engine 
(Samadzadegan, 2002). In order to make it quite clear, it should 
be emphasized that in the previous stage the structural 
parameter was used to determine only the presence and the 
location of the objects. In the recognition stage, however, the 
structural parameters are used for the object recognition 
process. Thus, the extracted parameters are regarded as the 
signatures expressing the object’s identity. 
The structural descriptors of a 3D object are: height, area, 
shape and relief variations. The shape of an object is expressed 
by the length to the width ratio. To express the relief variations 
for a 3D object, a relief descriptor is determined using the 
indicator k expressed by Equation 5. The object’s structural 
descriptors are indeed an efficient mechanism by which a 
reliable recognition of many 3D objects can be conducted 
without further involvement with the textural complications. 
As mentioned earlier, the object recognition potentials can be 
enhanced by a simultaneous fusion of the extracted STS 
parameters. However, these descriptors are not crisp in their 
nature and hence can not be realistically described by a rigorous 
mathematical model. Therefore, our proposed method again 
takes advantage of the fuzzy logic concepts to describe the 
objects more realistically and consequently to perform objects 
recognition process based on the fuzzy decision making 
It is important to mention that, in principle, the descriptors are 
not necessarily limited to the STS values. That is, the 
information fusion process may also include other types of 
descriptors if they are available. If, on the other hand, there are 
only one or two descriptors (e.g. only spectral, or spectral and 
structural), the recognition process can still be executed, but 
this time, of course, giving rise to a less reliable result. The 
first step in proposed recognition process is to determine the 
degree to which the STS descriptors belong to each of the 
appropriate fuzzy sets via membership functions. The linguistic 
variables which are used for each of structural, textural and 
spectral descriptors are presented in Table 2. 
Once the STS components have been fuzzified, the sequential 
fuzzy reasoning procedures, comprising: Implication, 
aggregation, and deffuzification, are performed (see Section 
To assess the capabilities of the proposed OER method a 
sample LIDAR data of an urban area of city of Castrop-Rauxel 
which is located in the west of Germany, was selected (Figure 
3). The selected area was suitable for the evaluation of the 
proposed OER method because the required complexities (e.g. 
proximities of different objects: building and tree) were 
available in the image (Figure 4). 
Before the system operation is started it is necessary to set up 
the fuzzy reasoning parameters. For the BT object classes, the 
preliminary membership functions for the ST components are 
defined based on the knowledge of an experienced 
photogrammetric operator (Figure 5 and Figure 6). 
3.1 Operational stages 
The OER process was initiated with fuzzy based region 
extractions operation and hence effectively regions are 
constructed (Figure 5). In the next step the extracted regions are 
analyzed to derive the ST descriptors. In the next stage, the 
recognition operation is activated by which all BT objects in the 
sampled area patch were successfully recognized. Figure 7. 
shows the output of each stage for a sample image patch and all 
recognized BT objects for the entire test area. 
Table 2. Linguistic variables and labels of fuzzy reasoning structure in recognition process 
Type Linguistic Variable Linguistic Labels 
Height SoShort ,Short, Medium , High , SoHigh 
Structural Area SoSmall , Small , Medium , Large , SoLarge 
Relife Solrregular, Irregular , Regular , SoRegular 
Input Shape NonStretched , Stretched , soStretched 
Textural Texture Solrregular, Irregular, Regular , SoRegular 
Output | Object Object Type Not , ProbablyNot , ProbablyYes , Yes 

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