Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbul 2004 
4.5 Accuracy Assessment of the Classification Result 
The class mapping accuracy of NLP is 70.69% which is higher 
than what the ML classifier produced. Moreover, the kappa is 
0.75 which can be considered acceptable. 
4.6 Comparison of Classification Method 
4.6.1 Classification Accuracies 
Figure 12. shows a comparison of accuracies between the ML 
and the SP classified images. The SP classification scored 
higher in all three accuracy measures compared to the ML 
classification. The significance of this difference was tested 
using the Z-test. The Z-test showed that the kappa of the ML 
map (0.57 versus 0.75) is significantly lower than the kappa of 
the SP map (Z-test for kappa, Z= 2.04, P= 0.042). Therefore, it 
can be concluded that the SP method performed better in 
detecting single tree felling 
OA KA CA nip 
Figure 12. Comparison of accuracies between ML and SP 
classified maps. Note: OA: Overall Accuracy, KA: Kappa, CA 
nip: Class Accuracy of NLP. 
4.7 Single Tree Detection 
This section deals with the detection of NLP by the ML 
classifier compared to the SP classifier since the latter was 
proven to perform better (see previous section). NLP detections 
by both classifiers are shown in Figure 14, which is a subset of 
the map shown in Figure 13. NLP detection by SP classifier is 
depicted in red, while ML detections are shown in yellow. 
Common NLP detections are depicted in blue. A quantification 
of the difference in detection between the classifiers is done. 
Approximately 14% of the NLP detected by the SP classifier 
was misclassified as other by the ML classifier. Moreover, the 
ML classifier misclassified 28% of the pixels that was detected 
as other by the SP classifier, as NLP. This illustrates the 
difference in detection between the ML classifier and the SP 
The map in Figure 14 gives an idea where the ML misclassified 
pixels as NLP and where it missed pixels containing NLP. The 
red colour depicts SP detections of NLP which were missed by 
the ML classifier which is about 14% of the total amount of 
pixels detected. Most of these pixels are found in the lower left 
part of the image. The pixels that were misclassified as NLP by 
the ML are coloured yellow. Most of these pixels are also locate 
in the lower left part of the image, but many are also found 
along the main road. The pixels that were correctly classified by 
ML classifier is shown in blue. These are concentrated along 
the road. 
The accuracy of the Maximum Likelihood classification of the 
30 m resolution image was found lower than the IMAGINE 
Subpixel classifier. This finding is in agreement with the 
finding of Bhandari (2003) who found similar results in 
detecting selective logging in the Labanan concession using the 
IMAGINE Subpixel classifier. 
The significance of difference was tested positive which means 
that the IMAGINE Subpixel classifier is a better method than 
the Maximum Likelihood in detecting single tree felling in the 
tropical forest using Landsat-7 ETM+ imagery. Furthermore, 
the class mapping accuracy of single tree felling by the 
Maximum Likelihood classifier was also lower than the 
IMAGINE Subpixel classifier (61% versus 71%). The second 
additional data set used in the Maximum Likelihood 
classification improved the class mapping accuracy of single 
tree felling with 2% compared to the 30 m resolution image. 
But due to time limitation it was not studied more in depth. 
Comparison of both classified maps revealed that 31% of the 
NLP was commonly detected by both classifiers. The ML 
classifier detected 28% more NLP than the Subpixel classifier, 
but missed 14% of NLP that was detected by the SP classifier. 
The 28% that was detected by ML classifier was classified as 
“Other” by the SP. The superior performance can be explained 
by the different signature derivation process between these two 
classification techniques. The Maximum Likelihood classifier 
develops signatures by combining the spectra of training set 
pixels which includes the contributions of all the materials in 
the training set. Whereas, the signature developed in the 
IMAGINE Subpixel classifier is the extracted component of the 
pixel spectra that is most common to the training set. Upon 
deriving the signature, the Maximum Likelihood classifier 
identifies pixels in the scene that have the same spectral 
properties as the signature. The IMAGINE Subpixel classifier, 
however, estimates and removes the subpixel background and 
compares the residual spectrum with the signature, 
The IMAGINE Subpixel classifier also addresses the spectral 
distortion of atmosphere and sun angle effects within an image. 
For this reason, the developed signature of the new logged 
points (i.e. single tree felling) in this research can be applied to 
other Landsat-7 ETM+ images captured at different times and 
other parts of the concession. However, the discrimination of 
single tree felling from other materials with similar reflectance 
should be carried out using GIS and additional data such as 
logging maps and land use maps. 
Furthermore, the Maximum Likelihood classifier has been used 
for many years and is supported by many GIS & RS based 
software such as ILWIS and ERDAS. It is also straight forward 
in implementation. The MAGINE Subpixel classifier on the 
other hand is a relatively new product that is only available with 
ERDAS. It is one of the few RS image processing software that 
deals with mixed pixels. The IMAGINE Subpixel classifier 1s 
not straight forward in use. A user with prior experience in 
using traditional supervised multi-spectral classifiers can get 
acquainted with the software in less than a day by running the 
tutorial. However, the specific signature derivation and image 
classification technique is more complex and will thus take 
more time to learn. But given the superior result of the 
IMAGINE Subpixel classifier compared to the Maximum 
Likelihood classifier it is worth to invest in the purchase and 

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