Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 7)

grammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B7. Istanbu. 2004 
International Archives of the Photo 
3.4.1 Project metadata: This includes the name of | 
the site, the purpose of the survey, the number of scans | 
taken and the total number of points collected. It also | 
includes reference to the raw data collected and a plan 
outlining the extent of the survey. | 
: | * | 
3.4. Scan data: The addendum specifies that scan 
data should be provided in an ASCII text format simply | 
listing the X, Y, Z coordinates and any intensity or RGB | 
values. Therefore, after scanning and registration using 
the Cyclone proprietary software, each scan was exported | 
to an ASCII text file. | 
3.4.3 Scan metadata: Each file of scan data also has a | 
corresponding metadata file. As commercial software 
does not easily allow the management and export of 
metadata to the level required by the addendum a 
separate program was defined to allow metadata files to | 
be created semi-automatically. As detailed in the | 
addendum, images showing the scan data were also 
exported from Cyclone. 
Figure 6. Narrative photograph showing actual feature 34.4 Filenames: The addendum outlines a system 
that allows file names to be constructed to allow 
Registration was performed in Cyclone V4.1 and showed identification of data quickly and easily. This also 
average residuals of 4 mm. Including this office work the mirrors the process currently adopted for the output of 
survey took approximately 12 man days to complete. survey performed by other techniques. Table | outlines 
the method used, where position of the character in the 
For health and safety purposes only trained operators are filename. 
allowed to operate the laser scanner on site. This request 
is in accordance with the relevant European Standard Position Description | 
(IEC, 2001). This anne was provided by the 1-3 Three letter code for monument in ! 
manufacturers of the scan system. The existing Metric question. 
Survey Specification requires signs to be displayed 4-5 Two numbers representing year of 
during survey work to inform members of the public that data capture. d | 
work is underway. For laser scanning, this sign must also 6 Code defining data type: 
warn visitors that lasers are in use. The addendum * Ric data type: 
Te CE fMlaan "ITI. M UA daran € Ya L — unregistered scan data j 
prohibits the use of Class 3B and Class 4 lasers from use. K — registered scan data 
J — scan metadata a 
3.4 Delivery of survey data | — scan registration information : 
: : | G — project metadata n 
The addendum requires standard deliverables to be H — Survey control information r 
provided for every survey. These form the record that C — image displaying scan data . 
will be deposited in the national archive. These are the: = > 1 
; : re T 
e project metadata 7-8 Number of scan (leading/trailing « 
zeros to be used). This is not required T 
e raw scan data/transformed scan data (to be stated in for the project metadata file or survey Kk 
the project brief) control information. N 
Table 1. Filenaming method ir 
e scan meta data i 
For example the registered scan data collected in scan 3 KK 
+ control information for Clifford’s Tower (CLF) in 2003 is CLFO3KO03.txt and 
: the corresponding image showing the extent of the scan A 
U in rwmati data is CLF03CO3.jpg. la 
e registration information. 
is : PS CD's were used to deliver the data of which two copies 
2 nerd COPY survey RO providing WIESN MET: were provided. In total 28 million points were recorded ot 
details of Sono! observations Ie ous of i and 3 CD's were required to supply one copy of the 
registration process and all site/flold skeiches 15 also archive. Additional data included images of the sites, TI 
required. images of the collected scan data and diagrams and H 
drawings collected during the survey. B 

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