Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
Since the present speed of the computer means evolution, 
the transmission of data by networks of telecommunication 
and the apparition of the Internet these last years, we have 
the attention to integrate inhabitants of the township in the 
different phases of development. Of this effect and after the 
reserved phase use to specialists, the Communal GIS is 
called to be consulted by the big public. 
In this context and in order to actually put this attention, we 
worked on the setting up of Web interface on Internet for 
the township of Arzew, in order to inform and to sensitize 
inhabitants to changes and developments of their local 
territory (Fig. 6). 
Figure 6. Excerpt of an Internet window 
More the township evolves, more it becomes complex and 
more we need to mark ourselves in its space, to situate 
phenomena or events and to plan evolutions. The local 
collectivities are in this situation. They evolve very quickly 
and are expecting a new cartography to help them in their 
space management. 
Today, A township desining undertaking a thought about its 
geographical, topographic or fundamental heritage, is 
confronted to many types of problems, that is ominous to 
reduce only for the choice of a moreless powerful GIS 
platform, either effictive or developed. The prime objerctive 
of this study is enrolled in this context. 
We have showed in the present survey the importance of a 
systemic approach to model a local territory in order to 
better master its complexity, and better understand how it 
works and the reasons of its evolution. This put in evidence 
the growing needs of harvest, management, treatment and 
diffusion of a considerable mass of data and information. 
Also, We have demonstrated that coherence and well 
working of such system needs the design of an architecture 
covering the geographical information domains, technique 
and organization. 
Finally, concepts application and the developed approach 
for elaborating a prototype local GIS of the township of 
Arzew permitted to test, affinate, adapt and validate the 
different phases related to obtaining a systemic 
representation of the local territory. 
This conclusion shows our contribution to solve the studied 
problem and makes a synthesis of the principal results 
dbtained, we can say that the setting up of a local GIS is a 
promising gait on the technical and organisation plan, 
howver, the local GIS remains heavy operation that requires 
means, good will and time; especially who it is related to 
different services, persons and responsibles. 
This work opens perspectives is both application and 
research domains. It stresses on the aspects to develop at the 
geomatic, spatial reference data base and localized 
information diffusion domains. 
In the domaine of geomatic application, this work could 
help geomatic communitry waiting to enlarge this study on 
a larger territory than a local territory. 
For the research domain, the systemic representation of the 
territory can be implemented in the future on data bases 
predetermined on the different available SDBMS in the 
Actually, especially for our country, many questions 
remains asked, notably in the internal management of 
services, the computering tools are not sufficient at the level 
of our services, but we can reasonably estimate that our 
administrations will not stay insensible and they will make 
these tools professional ones. 
On the other hand, problems of organization will probably 
remain delicate to solve and, won't especially support the 
same standardization wished for the technical means. Their 
solution remains indeed closely bound to the administrative 
structures, to people, to the financial means, to the political 
priorities and the local conditions. 
Even if a lot remains to do to make operational the set of 
elements presented here in, we wish that the reflection on 
the local territory modelization and it insertion to elaborate 
a local GIS make progessing the knowledge and the practice 
of the geomatic, also will make easy the management of the 
territory, oriented to the promotion of a lasting development 
for our townships and for our country. 
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