Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

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site were integrated in raster-based spatial model with the aid of 
the ERDAS IMAGINE software. 
Resulting USLE map shows the model’s high sensitivity for both 
ground slope and land cover type. Total average soil loss from 
the Dublany polygon estimated with the aid of the USLE was 
18423.2 ton/ha/year while the value measured photogrammetri- 
cally was adequately 56402.1 ton/ha/year. 
Comparision of the USLE mean year soil loss map with measu- 
red average soil loss map shows that the soil erosion intensity is 
greater and spatial distribution differs in reality but it is possible 
to prove some positive correlation between them. 
The main conclusion from the application of USLE is that the 
model estimates quite well the soil erosion risk, but takes into 
consideration not enough factors (including the main, i.e. antro- 
pogenic influence) in order to precisely quantify the soil loss . 
In summary, it was concluded that soil erosion processes at the 
loess region of Lvov, Ukraine, still take place with high intensity 
and are practically not mitigated. There is a possibility to measu- 
re and/or accurately estimate these processes with high level of 
precision using modern geoinformation methods. 
The study was part of the program for M.Sc. Degree of the 
University of Warsaw. Data acquisition and processing was co- 
ordinated by the Geoinformation Education Centre of GEOSYS- 
TEMS Polska Co. Ltd. with substantial aid from the Polish and 
Ukrainian partners collaborating within the scope of the Open 
Sky Treaty. 
The whole project constitutes a good example of the excellent 
international co-operation between research and educational 
institutions in both neighbouring countries. 
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