Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
permitted according to strong substructure and 
obtaining drainage of surface water. 
5. Inactive Zones: Topography is almost smooth. 
Settlement should be permitted according to obtaining 
drainage of surface water. Otherwise slips and flows 
may occur. 
The study region is very risky because of its geological 
formations, climatic attributes, and high amount of slopes. The 
other reasons are: 
1. Tectonic movements at the North Anatolian Fault 
zone effects the landslides. 
2. Inclination of the study area is very effective on the 
3 Because of Black Sea climate, amount of rain is very 
much, and it increases the relation between water and 
underground units. 
4. Churn waters and irrigation waters make extra load on 
the slopes. 
Because the daily temperature difference is high, 
water in splits freeze and melt. 
6. Slope of the study area to effective on occurring 
T7 Quads 
Te Les 
Cirazsv Plaros 
Kock Fell Zones 
Fast Degree 
8ccoud Ozyicee 
Third Degree 
In:etve Zones 
Figure 7. Risk Map of the Study Area 
Before the suggestions for preventing landslides; it is useful to 
investigate the expense for covering the damage of a landslide: 
1 % Engineering, 1 % Nationalisation, 20 % Re-construction, 
38 % Restore, 40 % Losses and indirect costs (Schuster, 1986). 
It is clear that, expenses of preventing or correction of 
landslides are more economical than the after-costs. Successful 
precautions depend on complete and true knowledge. Risky 
zones should examine technically. 
For this region these suggestions should be exposed: 
l- Analysis of stability of slides and slopes should be done. 
2- Slopes by the roads should be planned carefully. 
3- Drainage of surface and underground water should be 
4- Changing of plant cover should be prevented as far as 
5- Rock mines should be far away from risky landslide 
6- Churn water should attach to sewer system. 
7- Alternative irrigation methods should apply. 
8- First degree zone should afforest. 
9- Settlements should be constructed according to risk 
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Ozelliklerinin Asinma, Tasinma ve Birikme Olaylarima Etkisi, 
Orman Genel Müdürlügü Semineri, Burdur. 
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Uygulamalari, Karayollari Genel Müdürlügü Matbaasi, Ankara. 
Karasahin, H., 1991. Erozyon Kontrolu ve Mera Islahi 
Calismalan ve Bunun Heyelana Etkisi, Türkiye 1. Ulusal 
Heyelan Sempozyumu, KTÜ, Trabzon, 27-29 Kasim, s.119- 
K.T.U, 1980. Dogu Karadeniz Heyelanlari. Tanimlanmasi ve 
Analizi, Insaat ve Mimarlik Fakültesi, Trabzon. 
Schuster, R., 1986. Landslide Dams: Processes, Risk and 
Mitigation, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York. 
Tarhan, F., 1991. Dogu Karadeniz Heyelanlarma Genel Bir 
Bakis, Türkiye 1. Ulusal Heyelan Sempozyumu, KTU, Trabzon, 
27-29 Kasim, s. 38-63. 
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The authors would like to thank to MESCIOGLU Ltd. Sti. for 
their financial support to attend the congress. 

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