Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
The fusion of the panchromatic orthoimage and the 
multispectral orthoimage led to a pan-sharpened orthoimage of 
I-m and four bands, which preserves the spatial and spectral 
characteristics of both images. This conclusion is confirmed by 
the criteria used for the evaluation of the quality of the pan- 
sharpened image. 
A supervised classification based on the fuzzy logic was 
applied initially to the whole image but did not have good 
results. Since the classification of urban areas is usually 
difficult having complex structures of various materials 
(asphalt, cement, glass), it was decided to classify separately 
the urban and the tree-covered part. This resulted in satisfactory 
classification for both image parts. 
Finally, certain ways of visualizing the DTM and the pan- 
sharpened orthoimage were presented for the observation of the 
study area. 
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