Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
on statistical character is easily suffering from such an attack as 
nonlinear transform, however the one based on edge 
information would have a good robustness; 
8)exploiting Digital Watermarking Agent Technology (Hua 
Xiansheng, 2001a; Yi Kaixiang, 2001a), the central idea of 
which is to combine digital watermarking technique with TSA 
(trusted spotting agent), therefore the digital watermarking 
agent can roam among servers in the network and play a 
detective role to detect and validate watermarks and track illegal 
Christine I, Podilchuk, Wenjun Zeng, 1997b. Digital image 
watermarking using visual models. Proceeding of SPIE on 
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging, San Jose, 3016, 
Cox I J, Killian J, Leighton F T et al. T, 1997a. Secure spread 
spectrum watermarking for multimedia. IEEE Trans. On Image 
Processing. 6(12), pp. 1673-1687. 
Cox I J, Matt L Miller, 1997b. A review of watermarking and 
the importance of perceptual modeling. SPIE Proceeding on 
Human Vision and Elecronic Imaging, 3016, pp. 92-99. 
He Renya, Cheng Qiansheng, 2001a. Digital Watermaking 
Embedded in the Discrete Wavelet Domain for 
Authentication. Journal of Computer-aided Design&Computer 
Graphics, 13 (9), pp.812(1815. 
Hong Heather Yu, Peng Yin, 2000a. Multimedia data recovery 
using information hiding. IEEE Trans Image Processing, 6(4), 
Hua Xiansheng, Shi Qingyun, 2001a. Local Watermarking 
Scheme. Journal of Image and Graphics, 6(7), pp.642-647 
Huang Daren, Liu Jiufen, Huang Jiwu, 2002a. An Embedding 
Strategy and Algorithm for Image Watermarking in DWT 
Domain. Journal of Software, 13(7), pp.1290:11296 
Hyung-Woo Lee, 2001a. Public Key Traitor Tracing for 
Digital Copyright Protection. IEEE Trans Image Processing, 
7(9), pp.1357-1362. 
Kutter M. Petitcolas F, 1999b. A fair benchmark for image 
watermarking systems. Electronic Imaging’99. Security and 
Watermarking of Multimedia Contents, San Jose, CA., 3657, pp. 
Pei Wang, Songyu Yu, 2002a. Blind watermarking algorithm 
for high fidelity of image. Optics and Precision Engineering, 
10(5), pp.448 1453. 
Podilchuk C I, Zeng W, 1998a. Image-adaptive watermarking 
using visual models. IEEE Journal on Special Areas in 
Communications, 14(4), pp.525-539. 
Ruizhen Liu, Yunhong Wang, 2001a. Tang Tieniu. Image 
Content-based Watermarking Mode. Journal of Image and 
Graphics, 6(6), pp.558-562. 
Wentong CAI, Stephen J. TURNER, Boon Ping GAN, 2001a. 
An Architecture for Information Hiding. IEEE Trans Image 
Processing, 11(4), pp.67-74. 
Xia X, 1997b. A multi resolution watermark for digital images. 
Proc.4" IEEE Int Conf. Image Processing’97, Santa 
Barbara[C].CA, pp.548-551. 
Yi Kaixiang, Shi Jiaoying, Sun Xin, 2001a. Digital 
Watermarking Techniques: An Introductory Review. Journal of 
Image and Graphics, 6(2), pp.111-117. 
Xianmin Wang Female, Candidate for PH.D..She was born in 
1978,and now is studying in the College of Remote Sensing 
Information Engineering in Wuhan University. She is primarily 
engaged in the research on the subjects of process and 
application of remote sensing images, Geography Information 
System, Digital Watermark techniques and Pattern Recognition. 
And by now She has published 7 articles on such subjects as 
"Wavelet used in remote sensing image analyzing', ‘Digital 
Watermarking algorithm' and *WebGIS'. 
Zequn Guan Male, Dr., Professor. He was born in 1957 and 
now works in the College of Remote Sensing Information 
Engineering in Wuhan University. He is primarily engaged in 
the research and teaching on remote sensing image analyzing 
and Geography Information System. And He has published 
more than 40 articles in national and international magazines 
and conferences. In addition, He has published 2 professional 
composings. And his Dr. degree discourse ‘Study on the Theory 
of Remotely Sensed Imagery Analysis Based on Quotient Space 
Description’ is by the award of the first time of excellent 
doctoral dissertation, China(No.199936). 
Chenhan Wu, male, Candidate for PH.D..He was born in 
1979,and now is studying in the College of Remote Sensing 
Information Engineering in Wuhan University. He is primarily 
engaged in the research on the subjects of process and 
application of remote sensing images, Geography Information 
System, Parallel Calculation and Pattern Recognition. And by 
now he has published 5 articles on such subjects as ‘Wavelet 
used in image analyzing' and * WebGIS'. . 

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