Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
T . . ^ 
Transformation Analogue © mean 
mean Digital Q 
Table 4. The overall accuracy obtained by Analogue and 
Digital methods 
6. Conclusion 
According to the results obtained from various tests done on the 
scanned photo in pixel size of 25, our suggested method is CCF 
for rough localization and ISF for precise positioning. 
One major problem can occur if older cameras have been used 
for the acquisition of the analogue film images: the fiducial 
center is not as bright as expected. In newer cameras, the 
fiducials are often illuminated by light emitting diodes (LEDs). 
Dust and scratches in the images around the fiducials and 
scanning with out proper parameter settings can further 
decrease the quality of the fiducials in the digital image and that 
may lead the algorithm to fail. We use Wiener and constrained 
least square filter as pre-processing techniques to improve the 
accuracy and reliability of the algorithms but we observed no 
affect on accuracy, however, they improve the quality of the 
patches and make them sharper. For precise measurement, we 
employed Least Square Matching(LSM) but not a acceptable 
result could obtain. That was because the quality of template 
and contrast between fiducial mark and its background in 
original image in comparison with aerial images is low. 
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