International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004
water body and other regions. Figure 2 shows the initial
shoreline extracted from the image.
The initial shoreline extracted from image is superimposed on
the segmented images. By visual checking, one can see that as
the boundary of the initial shoreline is generally at the correct
position; a method is needed to correct the deviated shoreline
portions either automatically or interactively. In our case study,
it is easy to extract the shoreline. The extracted shoreline
developed in a GIS setting by manually selecting the correct
boundaries. Figure 2 shows that the extraction of shoreline had
been accepted while; it is difficult to locate the breakwater, so it
can be added manually. Also we can use the edge detection as
shown in Figure 3.
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Figure 2 The initial shoreline extraction for image 2001
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Figure 3 Edge detection for the shoreline.
Figure 1 The different four satellite images for the studied
area of Port Said during the years 1991,1995, 1998, and 2001 6. CONTROL POINTS AND
Control points and coordinates transformation are required to
achieve good accuracy satellite imagery, and reference
After removing the noise from the images, a raster-to-vector
conversion is applied to the images. All the segmented regions
are represented as vector polygons. The major water body can
be identified from the other regions using statistical and shape
information. In our experiment, the region with the biggest size
is recognized as the major water body. Then the initial shoreline
is automatically extracted from the boundary between the major
The ground control points must be clearly discernable on the
ground as well as in the image. They were taken to ensure that
the correct points are obtained. The available data for the
ground control points are obtained from GPS. Control points
were taken on the western breakwater at the entrance of the