Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
2. WEB 3D 
An important factor in a 3D GIS is remote access to the data. 
Recent developments on the Web, i.e. VRML make possible 
visualization and interaction with 3D models. The exploration 
of the 3D worlds in the VR browsers ensures a certain level of 
virtual reality techniques. Existing VRML, HTML and other 
Web standards and software modules allow the development of 
GUI with limited effort, relying on some operations provided 
already by browsers. Therefore VRML and HTML will be 
employed as a front-end engine to the 3D GIS model. This 
project was started in order to visualize the 3D city model of 
Stuttgart and find a way to connect the objects in the 3D scene 
with their attributes in the land registry dataset. The motivation 
was to give the user the ability to interact with the 3D scene not 
only by moving around, but also to have access to the attributes 
information by clicking on the objects. The given 3D dataset 
only consists of geometry information so that an algorithm had 
to be invented, which connects the geometry with the attributes. 
In the test application the conversion from the given ASCII 
format to VRML and the connection between the VRML 
objects and the attribute data is done in one step. 
This part is considered to be the Web3D part. Although the test 
application is a desktop application, it is possible to realize the 
concept on a website as well. The VRML viewer can be add in 
web pages and the application part could be realized as a Java 
Applet, which interacts with the viewer. 
2.1 Tools 
The chosen developing environment is Visual C++ 6.0 and for 
VRML visualization, the Cortona Viewer by Parallel Graphics. 
Parallel Graphics supports developers by the Cortona SDK 
(User guide), which allows you to add the Cortona VRML 
Viewer into your C++ projects as an ActiveX component. There 
are also some event handler classes to handle mouse events, and 
other interface functions so you can completely interact with the 
viewer. To access the given land registry information in shape 
format the C-library “shapelib” is used (Warmerdam, 2002), 
which can access the geometry in the shp-file as well as the 
attributes in the dbf-file. 
2.2 Description of the 3D objects 
The dataset delivered by the city administration Stuttgart, 
consists of several files in ASCII format storing the geometry of 
the buildings. These buildings are created of several parts. The 
3-dimensional geometry of the roof is taken out of aerial stereo 
photos by semi-automatic analysis. The floor is created by 
intersection of the 2-dimensional outline of the building taken 
from the land registry and the digital terrain model. This outline 
should have been connected with the attributes but this 
connection is not supported in the ASCII files, maybe because 
the focus was only on visualization matters. To create the walls 
of the building, the 3D floor outline is connected with the roof 
geometry. A representative point is set inside the geometry, 
which is used for connection between 3D objects and the 
attributes in the shape-file. 
2.3 Visualization 
The 3D geometry dataset consists of several ASCII files, which 
are consisting of point tables. Besides the x, y, z-coordinates 
each point has got the attributes houseindex, wallindex, 
typeofarea (roof, wall, floor). With the help of these attributes it 
is possible to create an IndexedFaceSet-Node (IFS). The used 
fields are shown in Figure 1. This VRML-Node seems to be the 
best solution to describe the building geometry, because it can 
describe complex objects, which consist of several areas, very 
exposedField SFNode color NULL 
exposedField SFNode coord NULL 
field | MFInt32 coordIndex [] 
field | MFInt32 colorIndex [] 
Figure 1. Part of VRML Specification '97 
The used fields allow avoiding saving redundant points, which 
makes the VRML-File smaller than the corresponding ASCII- 
File. In the coord -field the points of the geometry are saved by 
the x, y, z coordinates, and in the coordIndex-field all points 
describing an area are listed by their index in the coord-field. So 
it is possible to check if a new point is already in the coord- 
field, if it is the point doesn't have to be saved again, only the 
index of the previously saved point has to be used. 
The algorithm to convert the ASCII information into VRML 
syntax only has to go through the ASCII table and read the 
coordinates and the attributes to decide when to create a new 
building (IFS-Node), a new area or when to change the color of 
the created area to color roof and walls differently. 
To be able to identify the objects, what is essential for the 
connection, you have to give each IFS-Node a unique identifier. 
In VRML it is possible to give a Node a name called DEF- 
Name. In the ASCII file the index for the buildings starts always 
with one, so if this index is used and the 3D scene consists of 
more than one ASCII file there is no unique identifier for the 
buildings. Therefore a combination of filename and index is 
used to form a kind of primary key for each building, which is 
also used for the connection later on. 
2.4 Connection to attribute data 
The connection is done by a geometrical test. Each building of 
the ASCII file has got a representative point inside its geometry. 
The location of this point in the 2D land registry is checked and 
if the point lies inside of a land registry building outline, the 
dataset connected to this outline is considered to be connected 
to the 3D building. This connection is saved in a text file (see 
Table.1), to avoid doing this test each time a model is loaded. 
Name | Index Representative3D 
Table 1. Connection Table 
In this table (“connection table”) the DEF-Name of the 3D 
object and the corresponding dbf index of the land registry 
dataset are saved. The representative coordinates are saved in : 
addition for query or analyzing matters. 

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