Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

! 2004 International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
Figure 5. The result of query on slope 
Very high risk (» 9635) 
High risk ( 96 35 - 25) 
C 2 Medium risk (96 25 - 10) 
€^» Low risk (96 10-5) 
Very low risk (% 0 - 5) 
There is no risk (water) 
Aspect and Slope were examined in ER Mapper software. For 
the aspect query, aspect filter was used which calculates the 
aspect or direction of slope for a DEM. The numbers output 
from the Aspect filter range from 0 to 361. Zero indicates a 
north facing slope, 90 indicates an east facing slope and so on. 
The special number 361 is used to indicate areas that are 
perfectly flat (water) with no aspect for the slope. 
The map of the cultivation environment for the area in which 
the fire broke out (figure 7) was produced according to the g» 
1 that 
vegetation type map. In accordance with this map, very dry, _ 
dry, moist, fresh and fresh-like areas were designated and 
f classified into risk classes in terms of the water they contained. Figure 7. The map of the cultivation environment 
on o xem 
from MM : : 
À into = Very high risk (Very dry) 
Suo High risk (Dry) 
d Medium risk (Moist) 
dt Low risk (Fresh-like) 
tware C 7) No risk (Fresh) 
or the Vegetation, road and settlement maps from the test area were 
es are digitised and made available in a GIS data base. Buffer zones 
spect, were created around the roads and settlements. Distances from 
the centre of the settlement were created around the centre as a 
polygon data (figure 8). Similarly, buffer zones of distance 
je and 
>t and from the roads were created around the roads (figure 9). The 
; most closer the forest are to the roads and settlements, the more 
slopes probable a fire will break out. According to this, buffer zones 
were integrated to fire rating classes. 
Figure 6. The result of aspect query 
Very high risk (South facing slope) 
High risk (West facing slope) 
Medium risk (East facing slope) 
> Low risk (North facing slope) 
qe No risk (water) 

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