International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004
Sefercik U.G., Gülegen O.E., 126
Edge Detection in Geologic Formation Extraction: Close Range and
Remote Sensing Case Studies
Marcoionni P., 130
Early Results from An Imaging Interferometer Prototype
Operating in The Sagnac Configuration
Jechev D., 136
Close-range Photogrammetry with Amateur Camera
Doxani G., Stamou A., 139
Integrated DEM and Pan-sharpened Spot-4 Image in Urban Studies
Garagon Dogru A., Selcuk T., Ozener H., Gurkan O., Toz G., 145
Developing A Web-based GIS Application for Earthquake Information
Aoyama K., Chikatsu H., 149
Efficient Calibration of Amateur Digital Camera and Orientation for
Photogrammetric Applications
Saegusa T., Chikatsu H., 153
3D Modeling and Representation of “ideal City” painted by Piero Della Francesca
Rahman M. M., Csaplovics E., Koch B., Kohl M., 157
Interpretation of Tropical Vegetation Using Landsat Etm+ imagery
Christodoulou K., Tsakiri-Strati M., 163
Combination of Satellite Image Pan Ikonos — 2 with GPS in Cadastral Applications
Avsar O., Duran Z., Seker D. Z., Hisir M., Shrestha M., 167
Gis Based Natural Disaster Mapping: A Case Study
Büyüksalih I., Oncü S., Akcin H., 171
Investigation of Time-dependent Changes of Filyos River and Its Delta in
The Black Sea Coastal Zone by Temporal GIS
Kurtcebe F., 177
Creating Forest Information System: A Case Study for
Istanbul Kurtkemeri Forest Administration
Akkartal A., Türüdü O., Erbek F.S., 181
Analysis of Changes in Vegetation Biomass Using
Multitemporal and Multisensor Satellite Data
Siachalou S., 186
Urban Orthoimage Analysis Generated from Ikonos Data
Wang X., Guan Z., Wu C., 192
An Adaptive Content-based Localized Watermarking Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image
Hosseini S.Z., Khajeddin S.J., Azarnivand H., 198
Application of Etm+ Data for Estimating Rangelands Cover Percentage
Luo Y., Wang X., Xu Z., 201
Design Spatial Cache for WebGIS
Ravanbakhsh M., Sadeghian S., 204
Automatic Interior Orientation of Kfa-1000 Space Photo
Elkoushy A. A., Tolba E. R. A., 209
Prediction of Shorline Change by Using Satellite Aerial Imagery
Bussios N., Tsolakidis Y., Tsakiri-Strati M., Goergoula O., 215
Integrated High Resolution Satellite Image, GPS and Cartographic Data in Urban
Studies. Municipality of Thessaloniki
Kunii Y., Chikatsu H., 221
Efficient Line Matching by Image Sequential Analysis for Urban Area Modelling