Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

ınbul 2004 
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the COM 
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they are finished and the objects must delete themselves when 
they are no longer needed. COM uses operating systems and 
application permissions to determine if a particular client can 
load the object. 
To use the Prometheus COM, one must first check the 
consistency between the user data and the Prometheus data. If 
the data is not consistent a conversion must be completed. This 
would be performed in the user's application. The converted 
data can then be used as input into the Prometheus COM. The 
Prometheus COM Model is built using five separate low-level 
COMs. Since low level COMS are very difficult to use directly, 
a higher level Prometheus COM has been built by the Alberta 
Sustainable Resource Department to access the five separate 
low level COMs. The Prometheus COM architecture is shown 
in Figure 4: 
User Application rm»; Fuel COM 
> Fire Engine 
Prometheus COM 
I—P| Grid COM 
—— | Weather COM 
Figure 4: Prometheus COM Architecture 
With this set up, all the functions available in the low level 
COMs can be called individually and used by this system. To 
activate the COM on the WMMS Webpage one would click the 
“Use COM” button seen in Figure 3. Next, the user must go 
through a sequence of five screens to enter the necessary 
parameters for all of the low level COMs. On the web page 
these screens are designed to look like a file folder with five 
separate tabs. The defining name of each screen is written on 
the tab of the file folder. This was done so that the user can 
quickly flip back and forth between screens to enter in all the 
necessary information. The fist of the five screens is shown in 
Figure 5. 
A Premtheus COM - Microsoft Internet Explorer 
Prometheus COM Simulation 
Project Name: 
Project Description 
Demo Project] 
Simulate >> 
Figure 5: Screen Shot of COM Interface 
The information requested for each screen of the COM 
interface is illustrated in the following flow chart. 
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
€ Used to name a simulation project (name 
and description). 
€ Name can be re-entered into the system 
during a subsequent user session to access 
the model again with the previously 
entered parameters intact. 
€ Used for diurnal weather modeling. 
€ Satisfies the FWI COM 
® Includes: 
® Location information to calculate the 
sunrise and sunset variables, 
= Time zone and spheroid information to 
convert the regional time to Greenwich 
Mean Time, 
® Elevation data to calculate the Fuel 
Moisture Content in the FWI module. 
€ Used to define attributes of fire behavior. 
€ Satisfies the Fuel, Grid and Weather 
€ Fuel grid map information describes the 
distribution of the fuel types in the 
Model Tab 
© Weather Station and Weather Stream 
specify the parameters used in the weather 
model. . 
€ Used to define the elements influencing 
how fire spreads across a landscape as a 
function of time lapse and fire ignitions. 
€ Satisfies the Fire Engine COM 
H * Asks for the name of the output file that 
— the results should be printed to. 
Figure 6: Flow Chart Describing Steps of COM Interface 
Pressing the “Simulate” button on the Simulate page allows the 
COM to compute a fire perimeter on the map of Alberta that is 
displayed on the main page of the website. 
All the variables used by the Prometheus model can be entered 
in real-time to the system. This allows users to simulate fire 
propagation scenarios at any time and location. After all the 
necessary information is entered (projection, fuel grid, weather 
condition, etc.), the website will link to the necessary 
components of the Prometheus COM via the PHP Server and 
MapServer to display an image, on the main map, of the 
predicted growth perimeter for the fire. 
It must be noted that Prometheus’s COM is still under 
development. Version 2.0.1 is currently being used in this 
application. Some functions and capabilities are currently 
unavailable in the COM. One such function is that fire lines 
that define fire barriers are not available. Ideally, ignitions 

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