International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004
e Capable data structure that recognize different raw
data formats,
e Creating a data processing system that exchange
different data formats into one format,
e Creating an Interactive web-map on the fly with the
processed data,
e Creating a reporting system that produces reports
based on user specified parameters.
The benefits of having such a system are;
e Reducing monitoring costs,
e [Improving the speed of decision making by
supporting the decision-makers with real time
e Ability to access by everyone and everywhere over
the internet,
e Reducing time and minimizing effort to reach data,
e High speed, security and high rate of error handling
with new internet technologies,
e Centralized database that provides a single source of
common information providing standardization, and
faster retrieval and selective modification of
information (Montgomery, 1993),
e Ability to produce reports based on user specified
2.1 The Study Area
The study area covers all the provinces of Turkey. Data
collected from 1038 meteorological stations located in 81
provinces and 957 districts where weather data, have been
collected and recorded since 1929 (Figure 1).
® Provincies
® Districts
Figure 1. The Study Area (location of the meteorological
2.2 Materials and Methods
2.2.1 Data Used:
The data used in the system can be grouped according to their
sources. ;
The data obtained the meteorological stations as given include
(Figure 2);
e Data structure information,
e Station identification,
e Data time information,
e Meteorological information.
The data reserved by the server consist of;
e Province information,
® District information,
e Station information with:
= Station coordinate,
= Station administrator information,
» Station data type information.
The data used in the system can also be grouped by its contents
as weather related and non-weather related data.
Weather data used in the system consist of:
e Surface temperature information,
o Surface wind information,
e Rainfall data.
Non-weather data used in the system include;
® Province information,
e District information,
e Station information with:
e Data time information.
Data struckins infoemabon
Staten inima
Date irdomseor
E J Time information
Surtæce Temperature
2. WÁnd information
1 Rainial information
Figure 2. An Example for Station-Based Data Formats
2.3 Technology Used
Like most of the internet applications, web-based GIS are based
on the simple server/client model. In a server/client system a
computer acts as a client that sends requests to the server
computer, the server computer processes the requests, and then
sends the results back to the client (Kim, 1998).