Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

inbul 2004 
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International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 
2.3.1 Server Side Software: There are many possible ways 
when constructing a web-based map system, the main 
determiner for the project is the technologies that will be used. 
Investigating proper programming languages and web 
technologies, the options are narrowed down to scripting 
languages and widely used web data presentation systems in 
order to increase capability. The aim while selecting scripting 
languages for programming; protection of the open source 
nature of the project and relatively easily development cycle 
must be provided. 
The criteria used while selecting the programming language; 
e The programming interfaces must provide reaching 
web services, 
e The programming interfaces must provide database 
e Relatively rapid executive code must be used. 
The available programming languages such as PHP, Perl, 
Python, Tcl/Tk for similar works which support the mentioned 
rules above are widely used ones. Perl and Python seemed as 
good alternatives because of extensive library support and using 
advances of UNIX systems. But Perl had a cryptic syntax and 
Python is not built for managing web services. PHP is widely 
used general purpose scripting language that is especially suited 
for web development (PHP.net, 2004). PHP can be embedded to 
(X)HTML or XML. PHP is a tool for creating dynamic data- 
driven web-pages. As a result, PHP programming system has 
been selected for managing the data system (Listing 1). 
echo "Hi, I'm a PHP script!"; 
Listing 1. PHP Script Example 
The presentation of data is also important in the project. The 
presentation system has to be; 
e Suitable for map presentation, 
e Provide interactivity (response to mouse events) and 
e Suitable for open source development, 
e Support scripting, 
e Integrated with other web standards easily. 
SVG has been selected for this application because it fits the 
criteria stated above and the project needs the best filled 
After determining the main programming tools, a database 
system should be chosen that could provide an easy integration 
with PHP. The chosen database system must be compatible 
with open-source coding. The result is MySQL. The Apache 
httpd server was chosen, with similar reasons. Moreover 
PHPmyAdmin, which is also open-sourced, used to reach 
MySQL database over web browser. 
SVG is a language for describing the two dimensional graphics 
in XML (Adobe.com, 2004). SVG allows three types of graphic 
objects: vector graphics shapes, images and text. Graphical 
objects can be grouped, styled by styling sheets, transformed 
and compositioned into the previously rendered objects. SVG 
drawings can be interactive or dynamic. Animations can be 
defined and triggered either declaratively or via scripting. 
Because of its compability and leveraging of the other web 
standards features like scripting can be done on XHTML and 
SVG elements simultaneously within the same page (Listing 2). 
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859- 
<circle cx="150" cy="120" r="80"/> 
<title>SVG </title> 
<text x="20" y="30" style="fill: #000; font-size:24px">Element 
«rect x="30" y="100" width="350" height="80" 
style="fill: #FFC; stroke: #00C; stroke-width: 1.5px"/> 
<g> </svg> 
Listing 2. Example for a SVG file 
2.3.2 Client Side Software: A SVG compatible viewer 
should be installed at the client side. ; 
2.3.3 Methodology: 
Server Side 
Client Side 
With SVG 
Figure 3. Flowchart of the System 
The following elements must be demonstrated to develop the 
system: (Refer to Figure 3); 
The Data Upload&Management Component is programmed as 
to be responsible for exchanging and manipulating project data 
over internet. PHP is used for this component. The process is 
carried out by a web based interface generated by a component 
for project (Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6). Component is 
developed in PHP scripting language that provides API for 
reaching MySQL database over internet. Database is designed 
with respect to GML data structure. This situation makes 
storing XML based data easy and flexible. Database 
management system is linked to the PHPMyAdmin web based 
software. PHPMyAdmin is an open source tool that is used for 

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