Full text: Proceedings, XXth congress (Part 8)

International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol XXXV, Part B-YF. Istanbul 2004 Inte 
low level data access related to database, for data editing, and generating SVG images from the data stored in database. Map em 
adding, dropping table or database. Server generates maps on the web pages on the fly. } 
Data Conversation Component is responsible for the 
sig conversation of different data formats. PHP is widely used for 
this component. 
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Since the weather changes are one of the major variables for all 
living bodies, its monitoring is vital for the decision-makers. 
Therefore, decision-makers need the best and fastest 
information to prepare severe weather events. 
As a result of this project, which is still its development phase 
and should be worked on, developed application can support 
decision makers with two materials; 
e Weather information reports in PDF format (Figure M 
; ; : di 7), pr 
Figure 4. Upload Manager Main Window: Data Upload Type e SVG based real-time weather maps (Figure 8 and 
Selector Figure 9), 
Bi - AWBART Upload Manager :. : Upload Text Fe z. - Mozilla {Guild 1D: 2008403041 He = 101 x} 
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j tutem AWBART Report Creatore un causcnuenaus | 
^ vd Date:30 04 2004 — 16 52 | 
i Temperature Data: Celsius | 
Rainfall data: ke/me2 
i : 
t Station N Station Name Temp Wind Ramfall 
L nz U dene i 10 (eamm ^ 'uuvauaunanaua!. couauecuuas 
i 0100 ADANA 28 Ww 6 0 
& 0200 ADIYAMAN 20 W 5 0 
0300 AFYON 20 s 3 0 
0400 AGRI 16 Ww | s 
0300 AMASYA 22 5 2 4 
0600 ANKARA 18 SW 1 1 
0700 ANTALYA 25 SW 6 ü 
0800 ARTVIN 13 NW 6 0 In 
0900 AYDIN 20 ü 0 0 Sy 
1000 BALIKESIR 21 N 6 o 1 
1100 BILECIK 2 NHS 6 in 
1200 BINGOL 16 Ww 3 û 
1300 BITLIS 16 Ww 4 2 pt 
CR a1 BOLL 22 S 2 ü L o ] th 
of si ; 
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Figure 6. Upload Manager: Completing uploading data 
The SVG Map Server Component is programmed to generate 
SVG images from the database and add them basic interactivity 
that can be triggered by programmed UI elements in JavaScript 
or other script languages. Map server component is a set of PHP 
scripts capable of reaching constructed database structure and 
bone 4 My Computer 
Figure 8. SVG Based Weather Map 

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